Page 78 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 78
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 10 (2022), številk a 2 / volume 10 (2022), number 2 78IntroductionIn the process of development of archaeo-
logical parks and similar sites, visitors with dif-
hereditatiArchaeological parks1 are one of the more ferent disabilities are often forgotten and as a re-
popular types of archaeological tourism sult, they are excluded from society because they
products (Egri 2022; Zanier and Seni- are not offered equal opportunities. Some of the
ca forthcoming). Nevertheless, the high-quali- solutions suggested by the tool are also suitable
ty presentation and at the same time, high-qual- for people with different disabilities, some can
ity preservation and protection of both movable be adapted to them and in many cases, the com-
and immovable archaeological remains in ar- bination of different approaches provides a suffi-
chaeological parks and other archaeological ar- cient grade of inclusion, ensuring shared fruition
eas are quite complex. Because of the different of the remains by different target groups.
specifics of the archaeological sites such as dif-
ferent budget disponibility or the condition The tool is available for free and was devel-
of the remains, not every presentation is suita- oped within the ArcheoDanube project (Ar-
ble for every archaeological site. To help choose chaeological Park in urban areas as a tool for
the most suitable presentation for archaeologi- Local Sustainable Development). The project
cal park or similar areas at the Institute for the connects 15 project partners from 11 countries.
Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia in It is implemented within the Interreg Danube
the cooperation with the company 3APPES we Transnational Programme and is co-funded by
developed the ArcheoDanube’s archaeological the European Union (ERDF, IPA, ENI funds).
park tool Yesterday-today-tomorrow that is a Among the main goals of the project are improv-
complete novelty on a global scale, as there is no ing the management and experience of archaeo-
comparable tool on the market yet (Institute for logical heritage based on the creation of archae-
the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia ological parks, involving the local community in
2022). the management and promotion of their archae-
ological heritage and increasing the visibility of
The tool can be used by all managers of ar- archaeological parks and cities of the Danube
chaeological parks or other interested stake- Region in the form of a transnational sustaina-
holders, especially municipal or regional ad- ble tourism product.
ministrations, national agencies, museums,
specific management authorities, associations, Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow tool
SMEs, and similar. The tool can also be used by The new digital tool (fig. 1) is suitable for any-
the general public in order to understand con- one who wants to establish a new archaeologi-
ditions that influence decisions in the presenta- cal park or modernise an existing one or simply
tion of archaeological heritage, but also in the wants to present archaeological remains in other
perspective of local participatory projects. Its archaeologically relevant areas. The tool guides
user-friendly structure and graphics can attract the user through a detailed questionnaire that
new audiences to the topic of archaeological includes the specifics of the archaeological site
presentations and its use within archeotourism. and additional infrastructure that the user may
wish to have in their archaeological park or site.
1 The term is often used in different ways, to define any In the end, based on the given answers, the tool
kind of open-air archaeological site. In the Archeodanube suggests most suitable solutions for presenting
project (Zanier and Ratej 2021, 153–154; Egri 2021, 7; Za- archaeological remains.
nier and Ratej forthcoming) we decided to adopt the defi-
nition which is in use in Croatian legislation: “An archae- The tool does not specifically focus on peo-
ological park is a researched, protected and presented ar- ple with disabilities, as it is aimed to assist us-
chaeological site or its part that includes informative and ers in finding solutions for presentation and in-
didactic components of presentation and interpretation in terpretation, which are appropriate for different
order to raise awareness of the importance of archaeologi-
cal heritage” (Zakon 2020).
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