Page 79 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 79
ia universitatis
pr esentation and inter pr etation of public archaeological sites ... 79
Figure 1: Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow tool in use (photo Tajda Senica).

target groups, with and without disabilities. The Table 1: Questions of the Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow
ultimate goal of inclusion should namely be to tool.
equally engage mentioned different audiences,
as well as encourage shared fruition and mutu- Questions relevant for in situ presentation
al learning processes. Users should therefore ac- and interpretation of archaeological remains
tively adapt the solutions suggested by the tool In which country is your archaeological park?
to different target groups taking into consider- What is the budget you intend to invest in the presentation/
ation different categories (age, nationality, disa- arrangement of your archaeological park?
bility, etc.). How big is the area you want to present?

Questions and answers In which setting do you plan to display your archaeological
Through a set of questions (Table 1), answered by remains?
the user, the tool gets all information necessary Is the archaeological park located in an urban or a rural area?
for suggesting the most suitable solutions for the How will the archaeological remains you intend to display
presentation and interpretation of archaeologi- look like?
cal heritage at a specific site. Will the archaeological remains be displayed in situ?
What materials are the elements you want to display made of?

What is the current state of conservation of the archaeologi-
cal/architectural remains?
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