Page 80 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 80
Questions relevant for in situ presentationstudia universitatis her editati, letnik 10 (2022), številk a 2 / volume 10 (2022), number 2 80can be presented. Currency varies depending on
and interpretation of archaeological remains the selected country, otherwise the possible an-
Do the remains you wish to display need to be consolidated,hereditati swers in Euros are: up to 10.000, 10.000–50.000,
conserved and/or restored? 50.000–100.000 and more than 100.000.
Is there sufficient archaeological data in order to reconstruct/
interpret the original appearance of the building? A lot also depends on the size of the area
Will the displayed archaeological remains require additional that is planned to be presented because even if we
protection measures? have a smaller budget, we still have more options
Will the archaeological park be freely accessible to the public available in a smaller area to make a high-quality
without fences and entrance fee? presentation with this budget versus in the large
If the archaeological park will not be freely accessible, does it one. Possible answers are: small (up to 100 m2),
already have the basic (required) security infrastructure (fenc- medium (up to 500 m2) and large (over 500 m2).
ing, suitable entrance, security)?
Do you plan to erect a building for reception (ticket office and The user then has to answer, in which set-
possibly other purposes - souvenir shop, cafe ...) ting the archaeological presentation is planned,
Do you plan to have sanitary buildings (toilets) in the archae- possible answers are: open-air, with roofing, in-
ological park? door, mixed (open-air, roofed and/or indoor),
Do you plan to erect building(s) of any other purpose? the existing in situ display of the remains is ap-
What regular maintenance will the archaeological park propriate and investments in this field are not
require? planned and physical display of archaeological
Will you have an annual budget or other means for ensuring remains and any other investment in this field
regular basic maintenance at the archaeological park (mainte- are not planned. In many cases, roofing needs to
nance of the displayed archaeological remains, grass-mowing, be provided over certain elements of heritage in
maintenance of trails, disposal of litter ...)? order to protect it. Sometimes the remains, we
Do you have or intend to have a management plan? want to display, are too fragile for the outside en-
Will you or another institution manage the archaeological vironment and a building needs to be erected
park area after the initial investment? around the displayed area in order to ensure the
appropriate climate for the remains.
The first question of the tool relates to the
country in which the archaeological park is lo- The location itself is also important to be
cated which is mostly related to value and cur- considered when establishing an archaeological
rency of budget levels2. In the case, partner coun- park, because if the site is located in rural area it
tries of the Archeodanube project (Bulgaria, is usually more difficult to reach the target au-
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Re- dience or a sufficient number of visitors with
public, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, which the costs of operating the park can be at
Serbia, Slovenia) were included, as well as the op- least partially or fully covered, especially if there
tion “other”. are no other sources of income. In this case, it
is necessary to consider whether it is even worth
In all likelihood, the most important factor investing in the presentation of such a park. On
is the budget that is planned to be invested in the the other hand in rural areas there is a bigger pos-
arrangement of the archaeological park, because sibility that the archaeological park can be ex-
with a low budget, we have very limited options panded and developed into an important tourist
regarding what we can achieve and how the site attraction if we compare it to the park in urban
areas which faces many more obstacles since they
2 Of course each country has its own national laws which are usually very limited in terms of space.
concern archaeological heritage, especially protection,
which have to be taken into account when planning en- A lot also depends on how the archaeolog-
hancement works in archaeological sites: cf. Zanier and ical remains are planned to be displayed. Will
Ratej 2021, 66–106; Egri 2021, passim. they be hidden underground and not visible to
the public, or will they be seen as ruins, inte-
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