Page 82 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 82
ged in a disguised setting with ensured reg-studia universitatis her editati, letnik 10 (2022), številk a 2 / volume 10 (2022), number 2 82also be voluntary work with a straightforward
ular cleaning. system, which has proven to be a very effective
hereditati solution in many countries.
To erect a building(s) of any other purpose
such as a playground for children means higher A well set management plan is essential if
investment and maintenance costs, but on the the archaeological park is planned to run suc-
other hand it can attract more visitors and pro- cessfully in the long term, because it helps all
vide them with a better overall experience. For the people involved in the organisation to clear-
example, if the visitor urgently needs sanitary fa- ly follow the goals and vision that were set. If the
cilities and is not provided it is meaningless that management plan is good, everyone knows what
he received a high-quality interpretation of ar- his responsibilities and roles are. For example, it
chaeological remains because this addition- must be determined exactly who is in charge of
al need that was not satisfied spoils the overall mowing the grass so that there will be no wait-
experience. ing on who will do it and during this time the
site can become overgrown and unsuitable for
Regular maintenance is required for the visitors.
displayed remains, additional infrastructure and
overall visitor experience. In the digital tool pos- Last but not least when establishing an ar-
sible answers are maintenance of archaeologi- chaeological park it should be appointed who
cal remains, grass-mowing, litter disposal, heat- will manage the park after the initial investment.
ing, maintenance of trails, signposts, panels and Even though the site is open to the public and
maintenance of complex visitor infrastructure requires little maintenance, it is recommend-
such as sanitary facilities, interactive equipment, ed that is properly managed to achieve sustaina-
reception building or visitor interpretation cen- ble results and that it will not become another of
tre. For example, we can’t just place the litter dis- the many failed projects that can be traced in the
posal and then forget about them, as they would field of cultural heritage and archaeology, which
fill up quickly and consequently represent a neg- initially have enormous potential, but a problem
ative experience for visitors. All such elements arises with the further management of the site.
need to be maintained even the text on the in-
terpretive panels may fade over time and need to Results
be replaced. Based on the given answers the Yesterday-To-
day-Tomorrow tool calculates and provides the
That is why an annual budget or other most suitable solutions for the foreseen budget
means for ensuring regular basic maintenance at and size of the archaeological park. Although
the archaeological park are required and the tool the tool’s suggestions are in no way obligato-
specifically asks users about this. If no budget is ry, they can be seen as the most logical solution
foreseen for this purpose, the tool will not sug- applicable to the specifics of the archaeological
gest presentation and interpretation solutions park that is described during the questionnaire.
which require demanding maintenance. Main- Possible solutions suggested by the tool are list-
taining a good and desirable archaeological park ed in table 2.
for years after the opening/renovation is crucial
in maintaining interest for the park. Depend- Table 2: Possible results of the Yesterday-Today-Tomor-
ing on the size and complexity, regular mainte- row tool.
nance can be more or less demanding, but it can
be greatly simplified when we involve local mu- Possible solutions for in situ presentation and interpretation
nicipalities in at least the basic tasks such as lit- of archaeological remains
ter disposal, grass-mowing and similar tasks, for
which it already has a well-organised service. In Establishment of trails with benches, signposts and
the case of a low budget, one of the solutions can ornamentation.
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