Page 127 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 127

mixed area. At the same time, these approaches   ity of social classes, self-management, the secu-
               clearly reveal the processes of establishing Slove-  lar state and the integration of the Yugoslav peo-
               nian dominance in the urban space of the ac-  ples, while upholding the values of the National
               quired territory, through the construction of a   Liberation Struggle (Narodnoosvobodilna bor-
               socialist social order within the Yugoslav state.   ba, NOB) – the struggle for freedom, peace and
               However, an architectural-historical analysis of   anti-fascism. The buildings of the Janko Premrl
               the construction and aesthetics of schools, es-  Vojko and Pinko Tomažič primary schools were
               pecially the first post-war primary school in the   therefore the primary carriers of these histori-
               town  centre,  reveals  a  partially  different  inter-  cal and social values, while their heritage signif-
               pretation: in the public media discourse, espe-  icance is also based on specific architectural and
               cially during border-negotiation period of the   technical achievements, such as adaptation to lo-
               Free Territory of Trieste (1947–1954), the school   cal specificities, modernist solutions, etc.
               was a symbol of the coexistence of Slovenes and   first post-war school and the second school in   127
                                                               It is an eloquent fact that both the town’s
               Italians, united under the common ideal of a so-
 ti            cialist future and of fraternity – fratellanza – be-  Bonifika were demolished in a short period of
               tween two equal peoples. It was this fratellanza
                                                           time at  the beginning of  the 3rd millennium.
               that the new school in the town centre was sup-  The official, technical justification for the demo-
 ta            a school for pupils of both languages. Despite   ity is undermined by the fact that the irrevers-
                                                           lition on the grounds of poor construction qual-
               posed to foster, as it was originally conceived as
                                                           ible intervention was carried out without any
               the monumental plan for a two-nation school,
               only the Slovene wing was built, and shortly af-
                                                           professional evaluation of the significance of the
 di            ter the incorporation of Zone B of the Free Ter-  destroyed buildings. The demolition is a typical
                                                           example of symbolic erasure and negation (nega-
               ritory of Trieste to Yugoslavia, the Italian class-
               es were relocated. The first school then acquired
                                                           tion symbolique, Veschambre 2008) of the mon-
               a different population and – under the influence
                                                           this case socialism. Equally eloquent is the fact
               of rapid economic development and mass immi-  uments of a bygone era and past ideologies – in  the primary school in postwar koper/capodistria as a social laboratory
 here          republics.                                  heritage  significance, in which elements of so-
               gration – became a school for immigrants from
                                                           that the demolition of the schools was not ac-
               different Slovenian regions and other Yugoslav
                                                           companied by a professional debate on their
                   So, what is the heritage value of the Janko
                                                           called ‘extruded history’ can be identified. This
               Premrl Vojko Primary School? It was a monu-
                                                           concept, as defined by Pamela Ballinger (2012,
                                                           380), concerns attitudes towards history that ad-
               ment to the short and utopian period of the FTT
               and its fate, as well as a material bearer of the col-
               lective memory of Koper’s new, post-war popula-
                                                           post-war period. These are usually stories of de-
               tion. At the same time it undoubtedly testified to   dress ‘uncomfortable’ topics – particularly in the
                                                           feat, which enter the public consciousness at in-
               a historic process that could be called a post-fas-  appropriate moments and are difficult to fit into
               cist reaction to the suppression of Slovene identi-  public narratives and into scientific conceptual
               ty. However, due to the newly acquired post-war   frameworks; such problematic and disputed nar-
               position of power, the Slovenian population be-  rative is the issue of the ‘exodus’ (Hrobat Virlo-
               came numerically and culturally dominant, also   get 2021). However, the demolished schools do
               as a result of the national or republican context   mark the local collective memory, as proven by
               and the establishment of the nation state.  the jubilee monograph on the school which was
                   At the same time, educational institu-  published when the school was closed down and
               tions were a monument to the new socialist re-  demolished (Poklar and Jelen Madruša 2006).
               ality where education was implemented in a   It was prepared by former teachers and pupils.
               new value system. This was based on the equal-  The school’s exceptional importance for the lo-
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