Page 130 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 130

Piry, I. 1983. Demografska gibanja na slovenski   gion that was the subject of major international negotia-
                   obali. Ljubljana: Inštitut za geografijo   tions on the demarcation between Italy and Yugoslavia.
                   Univerze Edvarda Kardelja.              The central topic is observed from two interconnect-
               Poklar, I., and M. Jelen Madruša, ur. 2006.   ed perspectives and methodologies: on the one hand
                   Osnovna šola Janka Premrla Vojka Koper   through the social history of the development of edu-
                   1945/46–2005/2006. Koper: Osnovna šola   cation, and on the other through an architectural-his-
                   Janka Premrla Vojka.                    torical lens that considers the aesthetics and meaning of
               Purini, P. 2010. Metamorfosi etniche: i     school buildings. The central case study is the first pri-
                   cambiamenti di popolazione a Trieste,   mary school building, which was built in the historical
                   Gorizia, Fiume e in Istria: 1914–1975.   centre of Koper after the World War II (in 1951), and lat-
                   Udine: Kappa Vu.                        er renamed the Janko Premrl Vojko Primary School.
               Ravnikar, V., M. Zorec, T. Gregorič, and N.   The institution’s development is observed with the help
        130        Koselj. 2000. Evidenca in valorizacija   of detailed data from school chronicles, which testify
                   objektov slovenske moderne arhitekture   to the revival of Slovenian education in the city and re-
        studia universitatis hereditati, letnik 11 (2023), številka 2 / volume 11 (2023), number 2
                   med leti 1945–70: aplikativna raziskava.   gion. This was abolished during the fascist violence, but   ti
                   Ljubljana: Fakulteta za arhitekturo.    after World War II it became the focal point of the na-
               Rogoznica, D. 2011. Iz kapitalizma v socializem:   tional and political empowerment of the Slovenian pop-
                   gospodarstvo cone B Svobodnega tržaškega   ulation. We also note that in the process of empower-
                   ozemlja; 1947–1954. Koper: Pokrajinski   ing the Slovenian part of the population, the institution   ta
                   arhiv Koper.                            of the school contributed to exerting pressure on the
               Rotar, D. 1980. Pomeni prostora: ideologije   Italian-speaking population, which was gradually emi-
                   v arhitekturi in urbanizmu. Ljubljana:   grating from the region. After the annexation of Istria
                   Delavska enotnost.                      to Yugoslavia in 1954, another process took place within
               Sluga, N., and M. Jelen Madruša. 2006. ‘Iz   the framework of the development of education, main-  di
                   šolske kronike: naših šestdeset let.’ In   ly in the city centre, but also in the city surroundings -
                   Osnovna šola Janka Premrla Vojka Koper   the Yugoslavisation of the urban coastal area. This was
                                                           the result of intensive immigration of new residents
                   1945/46–2005/2006, edited by I. Poklar and
                   M. Jelen Madruša, 9–12. Koper: Osnovna   from the entire republic and federation due to the inten-
                                                           sive industrial development (TOMOS factory, port).
                   šola Janka Premrla Vojka.               The architectural-historical analysis of the first post-war
               Svoljšak, I. 1956. Koper urbanistični program.   elementary school also sheds light on the symbolism of   here
                   Ljubljana: Projektivni atelje.          the building at the time of its construction, during the
               Titl, J. 1961. Populacijske spremembe v Koprskem   temporary buffer state of the Free Territory of Trieste,
                   Primorju: Koprski okraj bivše cone B.   when the building, erected on the ruins of a prison, sym-
                   Koper: Titl.                            bolized the still-living ideal of brotherhood (fratellan-
               Veschambre, V. 2008. Traces et mémoires     za) between Slovenians and Italians in Istria, but van-
                   urbaines: enjeux sociaux de la          ished with the abolition of the buffer-state in 1954. We
                   patrimonialisation et de la destruction.   also discuss Koper’s second post-war school, dedicated
                   Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes.   to Pinko Tomažič and built in 1961 on the outskirts of
               Vogelnik, D. 1959. ‘Selitve delovne sile v   the city centre on the dried salt pans, or Bonifika, which
                   Sloveniji 1954–1957.’ Ekonomska revija 10   marked the period of exceptional population and eco-
                   (2): 183–236.                           nomic growth after the annexation to Yugoslavia. We
                                                           conclude by reflecting on the heritage significance of
                                                           both schools as architecture and as institution in gener-                studiauniversitatis
               The article analyses the role of establishing education   al: the first post-war school was initially a monument to
               and constructing primary schools after World War II   utopia, and then became a monument to the city’s post-
               in Koper, along the north Istrian coast. This is the re-
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