Page 133 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 133

The Historical Background to the Erection of the Monument to Nazario Sauro
                                in Koper as an Example of a Fascist Cult of Personality
                               Zgodovinsko ozadje postavitve spomenika Nazariju Sauru
                                    v Kopru kot primer fašističnega kulta osebnosti

                                                    Leon Vrtovec
                                        Ul. Oktobrske revolucije 21, 6310 Izola, Slovenia

 ti  ti            This article describes the factors that led to the construction of a monument to the sailor and irreden-
                   tist Nazario Sauro in Koper in the interwar period. The monument on Koper’s waterfront announced
                   the beginnings of the town’s new urban transformation. However, it did not reach its final epilogue due
 ta  ta            tral fascist authorities, who enabled the financing and construction of the monument, alongside local
                   to the outbreak of World War II. This historical study deals with the ideological pretensions of the cen-

                   actors. The erection of the monument was the result of extensive financial and organisational efforts.
                   Key words: Nazario Sauro, Koper, fascism, urbanism, collective memory.
 di  di            Izvleček

                   Prispevek podaja vzvode za izgradnjo in postavitev monumentalnega objekta pomorščaku ter ireden-
                   tistu Nazariju Sauru v Kopru v času med obema svetovnima vojnama. Spomenik na koprskem nabrež-
                   ju je naznanil zametke nove urbanistične preobrazbe mesta, ki pa ni doživela končnega epiloga zaradi
 here  here       Introduction                             the aspects of the erection of the monument to
                   izbruha druge svetovne vojne. V historično obravnavo so vpete ideološke režimske pretenzije central-
                   nih fašističnih oblasti, ki so bile poleg lokalnih akterjev tiste, ki so omogočile financiranje in izgradnjo
                   spomenika. Fizična postavitev obeležja je bila rezultat obsežnih finančnih in organizacijskih naporov.
                   Ključne besede: Nazario Sauro, Koper, fašizem, urbanizem, kolektivni spomin.

                                                           local population’s views from the 1930s until the
                     he main purpose of the paper is to pres-
                                                           signing of the London Memorandum in 1954.
                     ent the circumstances, reasons and events   Nazario Sauro in Koper and its impact on the
               Tthat led to the erection of the monument       In the previous century, writing the history
               to Nazario Sauro in Koper  in 1935, and which   of ‘contact spaces’ was heavily ideologically and
               have been less known to the general public until   politically coloured, and was largely the domain
               now. These facts shed further light on the com-  of national identities marked by a national-polit-
               plex roles of various actors and their activities   ical paradigm that represented one of the most
               and plans that led to the monument’s erection.   important dividing lines of the common space
               The present paper is only part of a larger PhD   (Pelikan 2012). The roots of national divisions
               thesis, which will comprehensively address all   dating back to the 19th century are thus present-
                                                           ed through historical works on the basis of more
               1   Over the centuries, Koper passed under different govern-  or less exclusivist, national and ideological con-
                   ments. Under Italian rule it was called Capodistria.
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