Page 134 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 134

cepts. This, however, prevents methodological al-  Nevertheless, this achievement could not sup-
               teration and limits exploration of the plurality of   press expansionist desires and prevent the emer-
               political, social, economic and cultural elements   gence of fascism. For the former Austrian terri-
               operating in the multi-ethnic and multilingual   tories – Trieste with its wider surroundings and
               environment of Istria (Pelikan 2012). Histori-  Istria – the new geopolitical reality had different
               cal interpretations influenced by a political-ideo-  consequences. Firstly,  Mitteleuropa’s econom-
               logical prism or treated by a specific generational   ic interests ceased gravitating towards Trieste.
               group seeking to create a discourse with which a   There followed a transition from the precise and
               particular segment of the population will identi-  flexible Austrian state bureaucracy to Italian ad-
               fy, are more prone to anachronism or fabrication   ministration with its Bourbon customs and rig-
               and are therefore less relevant. We must there-  idly vassal relationship with the state apparatus.
               fore be guided by transnational historiography   Meanwhile, there was a rapprochement of the lo-
        134    that understands the reasons for the asymmet-  cal capitalist circles with the militarists and the
               ric treatment of individual historical actors and   irredentist national liberal oligarchy, which as-
               tries to move away from stereotypical and sim-  serted its anti-Austrian, anti-Slavic and anti-so-
        studia universitatis hereditati, letnik 11 (2023), številka 2 / volume 11 (2023), number 2
               plistic representations of historical events and re-  cialist line (Steffè 1978, 13–38). The new gov-
               alities (Verginella 2012). A comprehensive scien-  ernment had repercussions on all aspects of the
               tific analysis of the facts and the search for clues   area’s social life, but above all it radically changed
               within a precise time frame allow us to find so-  its cultural image. This was evident in the man-
               called event details and as yet unknown inter-  ifestation of power through symbolism, embod-
               stices in the micro-stories that could lead us to   ied in public commemorations and the erection
               further understand the impact of a local phe-  of buildings with symbolic value.
               nomenon on the macro level and vice versa. The   A clear example of the latter is the erection
               focus here is on ‘contact’ defined by the demar-  of a monument to the Istrian seafarer Nazario
               cation and coexistence of regional and national   Sauro in Koper. Sauro was born in Koper on 20
               identities, and political and economic systems,   September 1880. Prior to World War I, he was
               etc. As an example, consider the history of sym-  employed as captain of a small steamer called San
               bols in the public space of an environment where   Giusto by the Koper maritime company, sailing
               different national identities are in contact with   regularly between Koper and Trieste. Sauro of-
               each other. The dominant ideological or social   ten expressed his sympathy for the Kingdom of
               elite used public space to shape individual and   Italy through minor provocations aimed at the
               collective identity. Symbols used in such an en-  Austrian authorities, but above all, he had regu-
               vironment are an effective means of visual com-  lar contact with the Italian consulate in Trieste.
               munication and create a distinct national-spatial   During the July Crisis in 1914, at the outbreak of
               identity. These influences, based on a precisely   World War One, Sauro’s employment with the
               structured narrative of the past, serve to objecti-  maritime company  Capodistria was terminat-
               fy national identity (Schama 1996).         ed, partly because of his unruly behaviour and
                   With the signing of the Rapallo Treaty be-  partly because of his anti-Austrian stance (Sauro
               tween the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slo-  2017, 111–112). Many prominent Austrian-Italian
               venes (SHS) and the Kingdom of Italy, and the   political representatives of the liberal-nationalist
               establishment of the new border in November   camp emigrated to Italy in the summer of 1914.
               1920, the political reorganization of the terri-  Nazario Sauro expressed the intention of enroll-
               tory of the Julian March and Istria was tempo-  ing his son in a school in Udine as an excuse to
               rarily closed. With the annexation of Trento   obtain a passport that would allow him to cross
               and Trieste, Italy achieved the much-desired na-  into Italy. Despite the general mobilisation, the
               tional  unity  and  integrity  after  World  War  I.   Austrian authorities allowed him to leave be-
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