Page 141 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 141

Special Committee was able to rely on the rec-  Benito Mussolini authorised the signing of the
               ommendations of an external expert advisor,   contract with the competition winners, and on
               whose suggestions were then sent to the Duce   3 May the contract was signed and endorsed by a
               for review. Another aspect indicating the signifi-  decree of the Council of Ministers (Consiglio dei
               cance of the monument’s erection can be detect-  ministri). On 18 May, the contract was approved
               ed from this meeting – Zupelli compared it with   by the Ministry of Finance. In line with the con-
               the Victory Memorial in Bolzano as a response   tract, 300,000 lire were released in June 1933 so
               to the pro-German demonstrations. In view of   the works could begin. The Commission for Na-
               possible violence and demonstrations by the Yu-  tional Monuments in Honour of Cesare Battisti
               goslavs, Zupelli stressed that the erection of a   and Nazario Sauro also drew up a funding pro-
               monument to Nazario Sauro in Koper was es-  gramme for the works in Koper, which was orig-
               sential for confirming Italy’s new and inviolable   inally included in the budget of the Ministry of
               right to the Adriatic. It is noteworthy that in the   Public Works. The cost of demolishing the for-  141
                                                           mer Patzowsky salt warehouse, where the mon-
               case of Nazario Sauro, the Italian political lead-
 ti            ership did not question Nazario’s ‘anti-Austrian-  ument was to be erected, and of building a wall
                                                           along the quay called ‘Riva Nuova’ amounted
               ism’ and whether the erection of the monument
               would lead to pro-Austrian or pro-German    to 39,652.30 lire (equivalent to €42,138.06). The
 ta            erection was primarily intended to demonstrate   amounted to a further 708,183.37 lire (equivalent
                                                           landscaping of the monument’s surroundings
               demonstrations, but rather that the planned
                                                           to €752,578.63). Sources indicate that the Minis-
               Italian supremacy in the Adriatic. The Mayor of
                                                           try of the Interior contributed 640,000 lire, as
               Koper, Nino de Petris, added that on 15 January
 di            1933, the general assembly held in Koper to cel-  the construction work did not only benefit port
               ebrate the ‘fascist befana’ voted in favour of an
               agenda item stipulating that in the 11th year of
                                                           Construction of the Monument to Nazario
               the fascist era a monument should be erected to
               the Italian hero, the martyr of irredentism and   Sauro
 here          response to Yugoslav provocations. Based on ex-  poned to 10 August 1934 and the proposed open- the historical background to the erection of the monument to nazario sauro in koper ...
                                                           As work had not begun even a year after the con-
               defender of the Italian character of the Adriat-
                                                           tract was signed, the completion date was post-
               ic Sea – Nazario Sauro, as a solemn warning and
                                                           ing date to 4 November 1934, the anniversary of
               tant sources, it is clear that the memorial on the
                                                           the Italian victory in World War I. The multi-
               Koper seafront was not only intended to pre-
                                                           ple postponements of the construction dead-
               serve the memory of the town’s seaman but that
               it was also intended to reflect the ‘warrior sea-
                                                           or anti-state actions or on the ‘inactivity’ of the
               faring tradition’ of its Italian population. Ac-
                                                           people involved but on the technical complexity
               cording to prominent representatives of the au-  line could not be blamed on possible subversive
               thorities, the monument was also supposed to   and demanding nature of the construction itself,
               reflect historical continuity in past naval battles,   as can be seen from the archival documentation.
               from the Battle of Lepanto (1571) at the time of   The sculptor Selva expressed the opinion that
               the Venetian Republic to Sauro’s naval exploits   in order for the monument to be of the desired
               in  World  War  I  (Marini  1936,  129–140).   The   quality the construction deadline should be ex-
               completion date was set for 10 August 1933, fol-  tended, and that it would only be reasonable to
               lowed by the opening on 10 August 1934, coin-  talk about the date of completion once work had
               ciding with the anniversary of Nazario Sauro’s   actually begun (Marini 1936, 129–140). Frances-
               execution. On 23 March 1933, Prime Minister   co Salata pointed out that the selected contrac-
                                                           tors or artists should be encouraged as much as
               8   The latter is evident from the speech given by Carlo Del-
                   croix at the unveiling of the monument.   9   PAK, 7, 510, Fond Mestne občine Koper
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