Page 139 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 139

August 1929 in the presence of the Italian heir   roic acts. The monument’s design, which would
               to the throne, Umberto Prince of Savoy, and the   conceptually  encompass  both,  was  focused  on
               Vice-Mayor of Florence, Dauphiné. The base   the construction of a sacral building, but it lat-
               of the statue bore the inscriptions: ‘Dante pres-  er differed slightly from the original plans, and
               so il confino misurato da Dio’ (Dante at the bor-  the unveiling ceremony also took place during
               der set by God) and ‘Florence to the most Italian   the period of great changes in foreign politics in
               Tolmin’. According to legend, Dante entered a   the 1930s. The extant archival material reveals
               cave, known as Dante’s Cave, somewhere in the   the extensive organisational and financial ef-
               area of today’s Triglav National Park. This myth   forts required to erect the monumental memori-
               was therefore used to confirm the borders of the   al to the seafarer Nazario Sauro in Koper. Prepa-
               Treaty of Rapallo (Kastelic 2007, 34–44).   rations took two decades and fostered a diverse
                   In the evolution of its political religion, fas-  mythology on which the nationalist-tinged fas-
               cism tried to portray the ‘rituals of death’ as ‘rit-  cist discourse based itself. When the monument   139
               uals of life’. Especially when celebrating death,
                                                           was inaugurated in Koper on Sunday 9 June
 ti            it had to symbolically express vitality and faith   1935, the fascist MP Carlo Delcroix gave a speech
                                                           in which he stressed the importance of the ‘war-
               in  the  future.  It  wanted  the  sacrifice  of  those
               who fell for the country to be the potion that   rior tradition’ of the local population associated
 ta            it strength for its rebirth. In this context, the fas-  of irredentism, he also mentioned the heroes of
                                                           with Sauro. In addition to the so-called martyrs
               would breathe new life into the nation and give
                                                           the Battle of Lepanto (1571). The sea, the winged
               cist liturgy wanted to promote the ‘myth of col-
                                                           lion of Venice, the King and the Duce, faith, the
               lective harmony’, which was a key tool in the
 di            project of ‘transforming the character of the   homeland, war and sacrifices, the nation, and
                                                           the  maritime tradition  were the  key elements
               Italian citizens at the time’ (Gentile 1994, 54–
               59). Many memorials were built in line with this
                                                           used in his speech. On the waterfront, which
               guiding principle: the cemetery in Redipuglia
               and the Kobarid ossuary – both inaugurated in   was named after a seaman from Koper, he con-
                                                           cluded his speech with the thought that both the
 here          no sul Carso (today Italy), all set along the cur-  wreath-laying ceremonies at the Nazario Sauro  the historical background to the erection of the monument to nazario sauro in koper ...
               1938, the Park of Remembrance in Gorizia, the
                                                           Istrian towns and the monument were looking
               monument to Filippo Corridoni in San Marti-
                                                           at the homeland of Italy (Marini 1936). Official
               rent Slovene-Italian border in the upper Primor-
                                                           monument continued until 1943, when fascism
                                                           fell and Italy surrendered. The imposing mon-
               ska region, etc.
                                                           ument on Koper’s waterfront, largely destroyed
               The Reason Behind the Construction of the
                   studiauniversitatisorial on the Waterfront of Koper
                                                           physical materialisation of a symbol with which
               The basic concept behind the monument to Naz-  by German forces on 22 May 1944, was only the
                                                           the local population of the Julian March, and es-
               ario Sauro in Koper in 1935 is somewhat differ-  pecially of Istria, as well as of the whole Apen-
               ent from the above. The reason for it took shape   nine peninsula could identify. The monument
               like the sacrifices made in the Great War, but as a   created to commemorate the fallen hero of Ko-
               monument to a hero it was subjected to a specific   per wanted above all to celebrate the greatness
               ideological-mythical narrative, which was meant   of the nation, which was symbolically represent-
               to serve as a collective example and memorial of   ed by winged victory. The creation of the myth
               sacrifice. During the fascist period, Nazario Sau-  of Nazario Sauro was the result of a long peri-
               ro’s life story was therefore further subjected to   od of commemorations and events between the
               historical falsification. The result was a person-  two wars.
               ality cult of Nazario Sauro, marked by a tradi-  The idea of erecting a memorial to Naz-
               tion of naval battles and extreme individual he-  ario Sauro was first mooted immediately after
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