Page 29 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 29

Table 1: Population of refugee numbers by country

                                              Children                              Adults
                Country and population
                in 1950 -
                                            0-7           8–17      Total     18–55         +55
                HUNGARY            7.253  472   6,6 %  2.465  33,9%  2907   4.316  59,5%    ?
                BULGARIA           3.021   86    2,9%   586   19,4%   672  2.349  77,1%     ?
                ROUMANIA           9.100   225   2,4%  4.959  54,5%  5184   3.916  43,1%    ?

                POLAND            11.458  274    2,1%  2.875  24,8%  3149  8.409   73,1     ?
                GDR                1.128   193  17,1%   935   82,9%  1128     -             -
                CZECHOSLOV.       11.941  846    7,1%  3.436  28,8%  4282   7.659  64, 1    ?              29
 ti             USSR             55.881  2 096 -   -  15.256 -  33,9%  -  38.629
               Source: Central Committee of the KKE 2010, 329
 ta            Greeks by origin,  were allowed to return to   cross (passer in French); I suggest that to cross os-
                   Refugees from the civil war, proved to be
                                                           cillates between move away, which becomes ab-
               Greece in 1982; some of them had already re-
                                                           sence – most of the refugees were repatriated –
 di            turned in 1975 after the fall of the military dic-  and presence, for those who definitely decided to
               tature which lasted 7 years, 1967–1974 (Anastas-
                                                           stay in the ex-host countries, but altered presenc-
               sakis and Lagos 2021). Despite the repatriation
                                                           es, because those refugees who remained are no
               of most of them, another part of them decided to
               settle permanently in the host countries.   longer recognized as such but designated under
                                                           another status (Greeks from...) . I use the verb
 here          status; on the other hand, in some countries, this   term, (to cross the borders, such as lands, walls,  remembering the former eastern bloc: who owns the legacy – the case of těchonín
                   In ex-Eastern Europe, the former refugee
                                                           ‘to cross’, or ‘crossing’, in the spatial sense of the
               population is no longer associated with refugee
                                                           seas, etc.) in the case of refugees from the civ-
               population has been granted national minor-
                                                           il war, to move from northern Greece to neigh-
               ity status by the state, as is the case in Hunga-
                                                           bouring countries, then to cross one Eastern
               ry and the Czech Republic (Sarikoudi 2014, 237;
                                                           country to another, but also to cross, in the op-
               Yupsanis 2019, 14). This allows them to claim a
               ‘lasting’ Greek presence in the country.
                   I argue that although refugees of the Greek
                                                           country of origin. I also use to cross in the po-
               civil war have remained in host countries for   posite  direction,  from  the host  country  to  the
                                                           litical and social sense (Van Gennep 1981; Dubet
               more than 30 years their life in former Eastern   2018); from banishment living to Greece, be-
               Europe was characterized by a condition of  to   cause refugees were considered enemies of the
               2   The law on repatriation (Joint Decision no. 106841/   nation by the Greek state, to be hosted as refu-
                   29.12.1982 of the Ministers of the Interior and of Public
                   Order 1982) had a double effect: on the one hand, it al-  gee by Eastern countries; I understand to cross as
                   lowed the return to Greece of a large part of the refugees as   a movement towards different social attributes
                   Greek citizens, and, on the other hand, the same law placed
                   outside the national body, and consequently outside the   and legal status; from stateless and undocument-
                   nation-state, another part of refugee–the ‘non-Greeks of   ed – because the refugees from Greece had been
                   origin’ –, in this case the Slavic speaking, or Macedonian
                   refugees, who were Greek citizens but, as they belonged to   3   In the former host countries, the refugees who remained
                   a linguistic minority that spoke other languages, they were   after 1982 set up Greek associations. Such associations can
                   not considered to be Greeks by origin.      be found in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland, etc.
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