Page 31 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 31

kent,  Bulgaria,  Czechoslovakia  and  Poland  of-  That being said, and from a disciplinary
               ten multi-sited – combining ethnographic field-  point of view, this ethnographic research is char-
               work and archival sources located in Greece and   acterized by  incompleteness; there is no satura-
               post–socialist Europe have one thing in com-  tion of information, and this is explained by the
               mon: they examine the lives of refugees and their   fact that the interlocutor in question is a witness
               descendants such as it is (tel quel). Using life his-  and may be the only one that I could find. To
               tories and archival sources, they analyse, on the   what extent does the testimony of a single per-
               one hand, the memories and experiences of the   son describe a social reality? ‘Testimony’, notes
               war and, on the other, the collective life of the   Annette Wieviorka ‘especially when it is part of
               different generations of refugees during the pe-  a mass movement, expresses, as much as individ-
               riod of exile, bringing to light common/contig-  ual experience, the discourse or discourses that
               uous issues relating to nationality, citizenship   society holds, at the moment when the witness
               and national and local belonging, in particular,   is telling his story, on the events that the wit-  31
               in the case of Slave-speaking population; the vio-
                                                           ness has lived through’ (Wieviorka 1998, 13). Sa-
 ti            lence they have suffered and then to forms of po-  vas’ desire to speak out, to make the history of
                                                           Těchonín known, even knowable, reflects what
               litical, even communist instruction, and finally
               to the imaginary of return. While these various   the refugees’ commemorated plaques in tobacco
 ta            gies between the lives of refugees in the different   done: to leave a trace that attests to their pres-
               studies make it possible to draw links and analo-
                                                           factory, Dohánygyár, located on Budapest have
                                                           ence in the country.
               host countries, they remain compartmentalized
               into case studies, often focusing on the refugee
 di            population.                                 The Presence of Greek Refugees in Eastern
                                                           Europe: Multiple Legacies at Stake
                                                           The case of Těchonín, is a representative exam-
               In order to identify the different trajectories of
                                                           er, what remains of the period when the refugees
               memorialisation, or even heritageisation pro-  ple of the issue of multiple inheritance. Howev-
 here          were collected during the Covid-19 pandemic.   Savas collection, which represent part of their  remembering the former eastern bloc: who owns the legacy – the case of těchonín
               cess (Harvey 2001; Harrison 2013) of Greeks in
                                                           were received in the military barracks, are their
               Czechoslovakian, I use ethnographic data which
                                                           photographs in situ, in their private collections,
               Although I was living in Prague during this pe-
                                                           lives. Another, central source is the testimony of
               riod, travel restrictions did not allow fieldwork
                                                               Can  the memory  of  the  use of  the build-
               in the site of Těchonín, while the interview with
               the interlocutor was conducted online using the
               photo elicitation method.
                                                           mer function, photographs of life in situ, and the
                                                           graves of its former ‘tenants’, build a ‘lasting her-
                   The only interlocutor in this ethnograph-  ing, which no longer bears any trace of its for-
               ic research is Savas, born in 1952 and aged 69 in   itage’ (Tunbridge and Ashworth 1996) about the
               2021 when the interview was conducted. Savas is   reception of refugees? Is this reception, embod-
               a second-generation refugee, born in the Czech   ied in places of coexistence and habitation dot-
               Republic from refugee parents and who, being a   ted around Eastern Europe, as in the case of the
               child of the period in question, bears the mem-  Těchonín, a legacy to be preserved, and if so, for
               ory of his life there, from 1954 to 1962, when his   whom?
               family left Těchonín. According to him, it’s im-  Images stimulate the evocation of memo-
               possible to find any other interlocuters about   ry alongside the mental images that subjects call
               Těchonín since the other tenants were at the pe-  upon in their narratives. Using photographs, the
               riod already adults and the most of them have   actors in the case of Těchonín, ‘do not only elab-
               passed away.                                orate other narratives’, as Maurice Bloch (1995,
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