Page 43 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 43

Tales from the Greek-Albanian Borderland:
                              Memory of Violence and Displacement in Western Epirus
                                    Zgodbe z grško-albanskega obmejnega območja:
                                  spomin na nasilje in razseljenost v zahodnem Epiru

                                                    Pierre Sintès
                                     TELEMMe, Aix-Marseille-Université - CNRS, France

 ti                The border between Greece and Albania has a chequered history. Its establishment in 1913 ceded to Al-

                   bania a territory conquered by Greece during the Balkan wars and left outside Albania a large part of
                   the territories claimed by Albanian nationalists since the League of Prizren in 1878. This is the case of a
 ta                bania, where the historical turmoil has not been without effect on its population, massively affected
                   small region of Greece, that is presented in this text, called Thesprotia in Greece and Chameria in Al-

                   by the powerful polarization movements resulting from the application of national discourses on the
                   field. Throughout this period and until now, the heterogenous groups that formed the border society
 di                ities, and their discourses of belonging were gradually reshaped by these changes. What is more, these
                   had to position themselves according to political turbulences, sometimes despite other long-term real-

                   transformations have had important consequences for the presence of several communities whose fate
                   has been turned on end by the new realities of this contested border, like the Chams, a large Albani-
 here              in the aftermath of the Second World War in circumstances that are still debated. In the last decades,
                   an-speaking community, which disappeared from the Western section of the Greek-Albanian border
                   the reactivation of cross-border relations following the fall of the Albanian communist regime, and the
                   intense migration of Albanian workers to Greece, has questioned their memory within local society, in
                   sometimes surprising ways.
                   Keywords: Albania, Greece, border, landscape, memory

                   Meja med Grčijo in Albanijo ima pestro zgodovino. Z njeno vzpostavitvijo leta 1913 je bilo Albaniji do-
                   deljeno ozemlje, ki ga je Grčija osvojila med balkanskimi vojnami, zunaj Albanije pa je ostal velik del
                   ozemelj, ki so jih albanski nacionalisti zahtevali od Prizrenske lige leta 1878. Tak primer je tudi v tem be-
                   sedilu predstavljena majhna grška regija, ki se v Grčiji imenuje Thesprotia, v Albaniji pa Čamerija, kjer
                   zgodovinski pretresi niso ostali brez vpliva na prebivalstvo. Izjemno so ga prizadela močna polarizacij-
                   ska gibanja kot posledica uporabe nacionalnih diskurzov. Vse do danes so se heterogene skupine, ki so
                   tvorile obmejno družbo, morale pozicionirati v skladu s političnimi turbulencami, včasih kljub drugim
                   dolgoročnim realnostim, njihovi diskurzi pripadnosti pa so se zaradi teh sprememb postopoma preobli-
                   kovali. Še več, te spremembe so imele pomembne posledice za prisotnost več skupnosti, katerih usoda se
                   je zaradi novih razmer na sporni meji obrnila na glavo, npr. Čamov, velike albansko govoreče skupnosti,
                   ki je po drugi svetovni vojni izginila z zahodnega dela grško-albanske meje v okoliščinah, o katerih se še
                   vedno razpravlja. Ponovna oživitev čezmejnih odnosov po padcu albanskega komunističnega režima in
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