Page 39 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 39
The written trace is essential to keeping a Troubled Past 1967–1974. New York:
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do countries within the former Eastern bloc re- Civil War 1945–1949. Copenhague:
gard these refugee traces as heritage worth pre- Museum Tusculanum Press.
serving? Savas (n.d.) in ‘Těchonín, Memories of’ Blaive, M., ed. 2020. Perceptions of Society in
concludes by highlighting that: Communist Europe: Regime Archives and
Popular Opinion. London: Bloomsbury
a monument was erected, with the assis-
tance of Těchonín’s municipality, near the Bloch, M. 1995. ‘Mémoire autobiographique
village cemetery, where 104 Greeks were laid
to rest, back in 1979. The monument com- et mémoire historique du passé éloigné.’
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prises a large stone sourced from a nearby Carabott, P., and T. D. Sfikas. 2017. The 39
ti stream, on which a marble plaque has been Greek Civil War: Essays on a Conflict of
affixed. The plaque bears the inscription:
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‘With this monument, we honour the mem-
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Conference of the KKE, 10–14 October 1950:
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morialisation, since it is situated between those Daskalov, G. 2008. Greek Political Refugees in
here to forget the so-called communist past. In this Didi-Huberman, G. 2003. Images Malgré Tout. remembering the former eastern bloc: who owns the legacy – the case of těchonín
who want to remember their time in the so-
Bulgaria 1946–1989. Sofia: St. Kliment
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sense, the presence of the refugees materialis-
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es the question posed by P. Lagrou is it ‘possible
for Europe to become an area of shared memory’
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erected by and for refugees demand the voices
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Greek Political Refugees during the
testimonies and photographs. Although not Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Based on
comprehensive, these traces allow insight into the Reports of the Central Committee of
the history of refugees in Eastern Europe, shed- the KKE on the Party Organization in
ding light on this part of the region’s past. These Hungary.’ Arhiotaxio 18:38–50.
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gees in Eastern Europe while highlighting what Közösségi Élet És Beilleszkedési Stratégiák
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