Page 45 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 45

ing of the Dayton Accords, conditions were cre-  Albanian media, included the area that Albania
               ated for the establishment of bilateral relations   had previously ceded to Greece. On March 22,
               between Greece and Balkan countries, provided   2016, during a meeting in Athens aimed at open-
               that any sensitive issues were resolved. In 1995,   ing negotiations to end the state of war still in ef-
               the visit to Albania by the Minister of Foreign   fet since 1940 in certain aspects between the two
               Affairs, Karolos Papoulias, as well as the release   countries, the  foreign ministers of both coun-
               of the leaders of the Greek Party of Albania sus-  tries identified the issue of territorial waters as
               pected of covering the activities of MAVI in the   one of the obstacles to progress in the dialogue.
               country, showed signs of easing tensions between   On June 6, 2016, during a joint conference in Ti-
               the two neighbours. During the tenure of Kon-  rana, these same ministers listed the points of
               stantinos Simitis (1996-2004), Greece even de-  tension between their countries: (1) the ongoing
               fined a new political doctrine in the region, pre-  state of war, (2) the issue of territorial waters, (3)
               senting itself as the advocate of regional stability   Athens’ accusation of discrimination against the   45
               through the use of the capabilities provided by
 ti            its status as an EU member. Diplomatically, this   Greek-speaking minority in Southern Albania,
                                                           and (4) the fate of Albanian Muslim Albanians
               led the Greek government to adopt a more con-
               sensus-based approach during the Kosovo crisis,   (the  Chams)  expelled  from Greece  in  1944-45
                                                           on charges of collaborating with the Italian and
 ta            operations in 1999, and especially participating   German occupation armies.
               providing logistical support during the military
                                                               The latter issue is perhaps one of the most
               in KFOR and post-war reconstruction programs
                                                           tangible reasons for the continuation of the state
               in Serbia thereafter.
                                                           of war, as there is no longer an agreement be-
                   However, simultaneously with the devel-
 di            opment of the economic crisis in Greece from   tween the two countries regarding the fate of  tales from the greek-albanian borderland ...
                                                           their properties or the possible compensation for
               2008, tensions have been rekindled between
                                                           the refugees. Since 2011, a party (the PDIU of
               Greece and its neighbouring countries, demon-
               strating how these geopolitical border issues are   Shpetim Idrizi, which has had 4 seats in the Al-
 here          signed an agreement on the delimitation of their   ted by Greece against this group and demanding
                                                           banian parliament since 2013) has been advocat-
               also sensitive to the broader context of region-
                                                           ing for the recognition of the wrongs commit-
               al stability. In April 2009, Greece and Albania
                                                           reparations. These activists march to the Greek
               territorial waters, in which Albania pledged to
                                                           border every year to demonstrate their support
               cede 225 square kilometres of continental shelf
                                                           for a resolution by the Albanian parliament on
               to Greece. This agreement was annulled in Janu-
                                                           this matter. The resurgence of this issue on the
               ary 2010 by the Albanian Constitutional Court
               because it was deemed contrary to the nation’s
                                                           by  European  Enlargement  Commissioner  Jo-
               interests due to the alleged presence of hydro-  international agenda even led to a statement
               carbon deposits in the area ceded to Greece. De-  hannes Hahn, who in September 2016 identified
               spite this, Greece did not oppose Albania’s inte-  the fate of Albanian speakers in Greece as one of
               gration into NATO in 2008 or the signing of an   the unresolved issues between the two countries,
               ASA with the European Union in April 2009.   triggering anger in Athens, which considers the
               Nevertheless, the renegotiation of this agree-  matter closed, occasionally accusing Albania of
               ment could add fuel to the fire between Athens   irredentism on  these borderlands. In  the years
               and Tirana, and Albanian authorities seem to be   that followed, tensions continued to escalate, to
               pressuring Athens to renegotiate or seek inter-  the point that in May 2023, Greece even threat-
               national arbitration. In 2014, tensions escalated   ened Albania with complicating its accession to
               when Greek authorities opened up maritime ex-  the European Union if this issue was not quick-
               ploration in the Ionian Sea, which, according to   ly resolved.
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