Page 28 - Spodbujanje učinkovitega učenja: zbornik povzetkov strokovne konference
P. 28
ija Šajn Ritem in ples – podpora pri učenju in razvoju
Osnovna šola Louisa Adamiča
Grosuplje Ritem je povezan s celostnim razvojem otroka, ustvarja svojevrsten red in ohranja notranjo disciplino. V otroku ustvarja trden in nujen občutek varnosti, kar kasneje
vpliva na oblikovanje volje, čutenja in mišljenja. V prispevku bom predstavila ne-
Zbornik povzetkov strokovne kaj ritmičnih dejavnosti, ki sem jih ob glasbi in plesu izvajala po pouku, v kom-
konference Spodbujanje biniranem oddelku podaljšanega bivanja, in sicer v oddelkih učencev od 1. do 5.
učinkovitega učenja, razreda, ki so tako z vedenjskimi vzorci kot učnim primanjkljajem nakazovali po-
Koper, 26. avgust 2020 trebo po vsem zgoraj omenjenem – skupno je bilo 22 starostno in razvojno različ-
Abstracts of the Professional nih otrok, a prav vsak z željo po gibanju. Odločila sem se, da njihovo ustvarjalnost
Conference Developing in radovednost povežem z glasbo, zvokom, gibom in s plesom. Prvošolcem smo
Effective Learning, v ritmu pomagali zlogovati besede, drugošolci so se z gibanjem naučili dekla-
Koper, 26 August 2020 macijo, tretješolci so v ritmu urili poštevanko, četrtošolci so ples potrebovali za
motivacijo in razvedrilo, petošolca pa sta se z glasbo in s plesom lažje sprostila,
prepustila in odprla. Menim, da plesne dejavnosti premalo vključujemo v šolski
prostor, saj so mnogi učitelji prepričani, da nimajo ustreznega znanja, talenta in
samozavesti za izvajanje plesnih dejavnosti. Vendar plesati ne pomeni zgolj učiti
koreografij – plesati pomeni odpreti srce. Odprto srce pa je temelj za celovit otro-
kov razvoj.

Ključne besede: podaljšano bivanje, ritem, ples, vrstniško učenje, celostni razvoj

Rhythm and Dancing – the Learning and Development Aid

Rhythm is connected with complete child development, it creates a certain or-
der and preserves inner discipline. It gives the child a firm and crucial feeling of
safety that later on impacts the formation of will, sentience and thinking. This ar-
ticle presents some of the rhythmical activities that were carried out with music
and dancing in the afterschool combined class. This was a class of first- to fifth-
graders who indicated the need for all of the above, both with behavioural pat-
terns as well as learning disabilities. There were 22 children of different ages and
at different development stages, but each and every one of them with an urge
to move. I decided to link their creativity and curiosity with music, sound, move-
ment and dancing. We helped our first-graders syllabicate words, second-graders
learned a declamation while moving, third-graders practiced the multiplication
tables in rhythm, dancing motivated the fourth-graders and cheered them up,
and the two fifth-graders found it easier to relax, indulge in and open up to mu-
sic and dancing. I believe that dancing activities are not included enough in the
school environment, as many teachers believe they do not have the sufficient
knowledge, talent and, last but not least, self-confidence to engage in dancing
activities. But dancing does not mean merely teaching choreographies. Dancing
means opening up one’s heart. And an open heart is the foundation for complete
child development.

Key words: afterschool care, rhythm, dancing, peer learning, complete child de-
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