Page 109 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 109
can kindergarten environment contribute to parents’ health? ohranjanje in krepitev zdravja | maintaining and promoting health
Tanja Plevnik Peternelj
Introduction and purpose: In this paper, we want to present good practices and
possibilities with which preschool professionals and the kindergarten environ-
ment can influence the health of parents as members of the working-age pop-
ulation. In practice, we observe that patterns of children‘s behavior, even when
health-related behaviors are taken care of, are significantly influenced by the
patterns of their parents. It is extremely sensible to at least indirectly influence
the health of their parents. According to SORS data, 87,187 children were en-
rolled in kindergartens for the 2018/19 school year, which means that at least
10% of the adult working-age population (parents) are connected to the pre-
school environment daily (according to SORS data, in June 2019, there were
897,213 employed individuals in Slovenia). One of the goals of preschool edu-
cation in kindergartens (the Kindergarten Act) is to develop independence in
hygiene habits and healthcare.
Content presentation: In the preschool, we carry out numerous preventive
and educational actions that affect the behavior patterns of children. Educa-
tional goals, also guide and support awareness of health-related behaviors.
One of the great opportunities that preschool professionals can offer is to
raise the awareness of parents about the importance of taking care of their
own health and well-being, thereby indirectly influencing the example they pro-
vide to children. Some examples of promoting such healthy behaviors are: care
for hygiene (regular washing of hands before and after meals, after using the
toilet; coughing in a sleeve, etc.), care for regular physical activity (encouraging
daily outdoor physical activity, organizing various actions and events, e.g. Inter-
generational cooperation, Physically Active day, etc.), raising awareness about
national prevention programs and actions (World Wash Day “Clean Hands
for All”, Healthy Daily Rhythm, Mobility Week), care for well-being and quality
peer relationships (School for parents, Lectures for Parents on different topics,
e.g. Child and parent empowerment, Healthy attachment and others).
Conclusions: Health is a multifaceted process of taking care of for physical,
mental and social well-being. Despite the assumption that adults take care of
their own health, preschool teachers often find that these efforts often require
encouragement for parents as representatives of the working-age population.
Incentives are most often conveyed through children and occasional preschool
activities (e.g. care for regular hand hygiene), as well as posters in kindergar-
tens, distribution of leaflets or various book materials. Finally, through quali-
ty education programs the preschool environment also enables parents to de-
vote themselves to their work responsibilities. The kindergarten environment
can also make a significant contribution to the positive reciprocal relationship
between children and their parents and encourage their healthy behaviors.
Key words: health, stenghten, parents, kindergarten, preschool teacher

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