Page 163 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 163
ily food autonomy in extraordinary circumstances prehrana in hidracija | nutrition and hydration
Petra Vodopivec Kolar, Irena Hren
General hospital of Novo mesto, Šmihelska cesta 1, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia
Introduction: Given the current events during the Covid-19 epidemic, we were
interested in what the family‘s food supply would be like if they wanted to pro-
vide a balanced diet for all family members and thus cover their needs for mac-
ro- and micronutrients for 2 weeks.
Methods: We wanted to discover how food supplies for a family of four mem-
bers for 2 weeks differ from those in other more extraordinary circumstances
(e.g. earthquake, flood ...), when complete self-sufficency is needed. We pre-
pared a diet plan for a family of four and tried to implement it practically in case
of Covid-19 epidemic and in case of a sudden emergency. The state of emer-
gency includes power, gas, telecommunications and water outage in the house-
hold, trade routes are interrupted, and the family depends only on its own sup-
plies. Thus, we only included foods with an extended shelf life in the plan, for
storage of which a cooler space, such as a cellar, is sufficient.
Results: The average family’s diet plan that we prepared consists of separate
diet plans for mother, father, teenage daughter, and preschool son. The diet
was planned in accordance with healthy balanced diet recommendations. From
the diet plan with units of individual food groups for each family member, we
obtained the quantities of individual foods and prepared a shopping list for 2
weeks. The practical usability of the stock was tested by making 2-week meal
plan for both periods of emergency. We checked the compliance of the meal
plan with the principles of a balanced diet. We were also interested in the cost
of such purchase and the compliance of our stock with the current recommen-
dations for the monthly food stock of the Administration of the Republic of Slo-
venia for Protection and Rescue.
Discussion: In the circumstances given in epidemic Covid-19, when the access
to food was enabled, it is feasible to follow the principles of balanced diet, while
in more extreme emergencies, where eating canned foods predominates, it is
difficult and less affordable. Deviations occur especially in intake of sugar and
salt and some micronutrients. Therefore, it is recommended to store some
food supplements along with other food.
Key words: food autonomy, food supply, extraordinary circumstances

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