Page 175 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 175
R-VITAL WIKI: workplace well-being measures repository uporaba ikt na področju zdravja | use of information and communication technologies

Urška Jerman1, Klemen Širok2
1 University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Cankarjeva 5, 6000 Koper,
2 University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Polje 42, 6310 Izola, Slovenia

Introduction: The population aging and, consequently, the workforce ageing
in Slovenia – brought many challenges to employers and employees. The main
challenge is the prolongation of work activity, whereby research clearly shows
the workers’ dissatisfaction with working conditions that in turn often leads
to a reluctance to extend their work life. There are many known workplace
health-promotion (well-being) guidelines and measures. However, the existing
content offering is fragmented, unsystematic and incomplete. The way infor-
mation is collected and offered to the end user (i.e. employer) is unsatisfactory
in a given context (time constraints, changed communication and reading hab-
its). This article introduces the STAR-VITAL Wiki, which serves as a solution
to a perceived problem and helps companies and management to implement
measures in the field of workplace well-being.
Methods: Encyclopaedias have historically been one of the first forms of knowl-
edge organization, enabling users to find and obtain relevant information from
a specific field. In accordance with modern communication methods, commu-
nication habits and practices we set up a Wikipedia-like online solution to help
users browse, search and learn about workplace well-being measures. In addi-
tion to more systematic access to information the STAR-VITAL Wiki also pur-
sues the ambition to systematically list all known and publicly available tools,
actions and interventions, thus representing an improvement of many other
existing attempts.
Results: A systematic review of existing publicly available resources and experi-
ence with companies under the STAR-VITAL project have shown that: (1) em-
ployers need this type of information, (2) the existing supply of these content is
highly fragmented, non-systematic, incomplete and redundant. (3) The sourc-
es addressing the topic of workplace well-being are also incomprehensible (the
sources are general or very detailed). This in turn makes the information avail-
able to the employer unsatisfactory and conditionally useful. Above all, due to
time constraints, changed communication and reading habits, employers sel-
domly read such content.
Discussion and conclusions: The STAR-VITAL Wiki is a solution that allows us-
ers quick and comprehensive review of workplace well-being tools, actions
and interventions collected in one place. The solution brings the following ad-
vantages. It provides a systematic overview of measures organized according
to the World Health Organization model. The existing database can be ex-
tended and supplemented easily, whereby the information is presented using
uniform structure: a general description and a description of a good practice
focusing on details that are crucial for successful implementation. The descrip-
tions and presentations follow the contemporary guidelines of communication
via WWW and mobile devices, with particular attention to user-friendly ways
of finding information (search engine, content tree structure, tags).
Key words: workplace, well-being, measures, wiki

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