Page 179 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 179
of information and communication technology uporaba ikt na področju zdravja | use of information and communication technologies
in cardiac patients
Matej Korošec, Žiga Metelko, Tatjana Somi, Andrej Starc
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences, Zdravstvena pot 5,
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Introduction: Whit the development of technology, the daily use of information
and communication technology (ICT) has expanded also in healthcare. With
the development of ICT, cardiac implantable devices, like pacemakers and car-
dioverter-defibrillators, also developed. This development brought different
benefits. These devices became so modern and wireless, that automatic wire-
less data transmission from the device to the computer is enabled. It is also
possible to monitor the devices through mobile applications. The purpose is to
study the benefits of modern technology in this field.
Methods: We used a descriptive research method of work involving review of
Slovenian and English literature. The review was carried out in February and
March 2020. We used the literature that was published between the years
2015 and 2019. The search for literature was conducted with web browser
Google Scholar and in Medline and CINAHL with full text databases. We fo-
cused on literature about information and communication technology and car-
diac implantable devices. The key words, used with Bool operators OR and
AND, were cardiac implantable devices, modern technology, remote moni-
toring, and cardiac patients. Key words were used in Slovenian and English lan-
guage. We used 15 different sources of professional literature.
Results: After reviewing the literature, it was found that the most common-
ly used devices are pacemakers and cardioverter-defibrillators. The wireless
transmission of data and the remote monitoring of the mentioned devices have
many advantages, which are the following: early detection of arrhythmias (atrial
fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia), early detection of errors in devices, higher
patient satisfaction, improved clinical outcomes and consequently lower mor-
tality. Reduced visits to healthcare facilities have been reported, since the pa-
tient’s health can be monitored remotely and consequently this reduces the
hospital costs.
Discussion and conclusions: The results show the usefulness of wireless elec-
tronic cardiac implantable devices and mobile applications in cardiac patients,
as they bring many benefits. When developing the applications that monitor
these devices, it would be wise to involve the users (patients), in order to make
them more tailored to their needs.
Key words: cardiac implantable devices, modern technology, remote
monitoring, cardiac patients.

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