Page 177 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 177
fit forAll uporaba ikt na področju zdravja | use of information and communication technologies
Gregor Jurak, Bojan Leskošek, Gregor Starc
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, Gortanova 22, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Background and purpose: Due to lifestyle changes, especially because of in�-
crease in physical inactivity, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) became the lead-
ing cause of global mortality in the 21st century. Among the most important
CVD risk factors is low physical fitness. Moreover, improvement in physical fit-
ness positively affects mental health 10, and improves quality of life, therefore,
physical fitness is clearly an important marker of health throughout life. Amer-
ican Heart Association has recently recommended to include physical fitness
among vital signs that are recorded during every visit to a physician. Due to its
tradition of physical fitness monitoring, Slovenia has a tremendous opportuni-
ty to create, as the first country in the world, a national system of lifelong phys-
ical fitness monitoring.
Content: We will present the architecture of the online application SLOfit
forAll, with which we wish to establish lifelong monitoring of physical fitness
and some of the physical activity-related health risk factors, which will allow us
to study the causality between physical fitness in children and adolescents and
health outcomes in adulthood in Slovenian population. It is an upgrade of the
SLOfit system and web app, which is a continuation of the national system for
surveillance the physical and motor development of schoolchildren and ado-
lescent, known as the Sport Educational Chart. The SLOfit has established co-
horts for 13 years of individual education (ages 6-9), insight into these results
through an online application for parents, teachers and authorized persons (eg
physicians), easy data entry with smart data cleaning algorithms, school report
and an individual feedback with evaluated health risk and the ability to perma-
nently store that information. The planned SLOfit for all app will offer users
similar features to the basic app, targeting adult users as well as four groups
of organizations diagnosing physical fitness and performing exercise programs:
faculties, health organizations, primary schools and sports organizations.
Conclusions. In addition to end-user values, the app will also have significant
research value. The development of the app is part of the SLOfit Lifelong re-
search project, which will create a unique research platform for studying the
predictive validity of health-related physical fitness in young people. Each year,
a new cohort will enter the system, which will allow a constant flow of new
data and enable us to create one of the largest cohort infrastructures in the
world. Examining the correlation between physical fitness data, health out-
comes and physical activity-related health risk factors will allow us to use an
epigenetic approach to examine the relationship between physical fitness and
health outcomes.
Key words: physical fitness, health-risk, app, monitoring, prediction, adults

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