Page 191 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 191
impact of information-communication technology uporaba ikt na področju zdravja | use of information and communication technologies
on the quality of life of the working-age population
Mitja Slapar 1, Anton Zupan2
1 Alma Mater Europaea – ECM, Slovenska 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
2 University Rehabilitation Institute, Republic of Slovenia, Linhartova 51, 1000
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Introduction: There has been a great progress in the field of technical scienc-
es, especially in the field of information-communication technology (ICT). The
purpose of the paper is to show the importance of ICT on the quality of life of
the working-age population.
Methods: The method of work was to review the literature, analyze and com-
pare current scientific findings on the impact of ICT on the quality of life of the
working-age population. The basic instrument of data collection has been the
scientific and professional literature on a selected topic in the recent period.
The literature review was conducted in March 2020 in Google Scholar and Pro
Quest databases with keywords in english language „ICT“ and „quality of life“.
The final review of the literature, selected according to the criterion of con-
tent-relevant summaries and after the elimination of older literature, contained
over 50 sources.
Results: ICT - sensors, actuators, cameras and other devices that connect to
each other or via the Internet and can be managed in a variety of ways, can
enable people to control their health status, enjoy a comfortable and safe liv-
ing in their home environment and manage their living environment. They can
connect through ICT with social networks in the community of their interest.
They also look for different events that they can attend physically or online.
ICT through various applications facilitates mobility by displaying the most con-
venient or fastest routes of travel, both by personal means of transport and
the choice of public transport to a specific destination, favorable holiday, tour-
ist accommodation and more. Online banking and online shopping means that
people don’t need to go to the banks and carry heavy items from stores, so
they can save energy for nicer things like a safe walk in nature or hanging out
with loved ones.
Discussion and conclusions: ICT enables working people to have a more com-
fortable, secure and quality life. Modern ICT enables working people to work
remotely so that they can work from home and lose no time in travelling to
work and that they can use their time for recreation and sports to promote
health and socialize with their loved ones, all of which affect the quality of their
lives and lives of others. It is worth mentioning the great importance of mod-
ern ICT for people with disabilities of all kinds and levels of disability, as ICT
enables them to become active workers and thus equal members of the wid-
er community, who, like all other working people, pay taxes and benefits and
contribute to social well-being. In addition, the fact that they are employed has
a very beneficial effect on their psychophysical fitness and, consequently, on
their quality of life.
Key words: information-communication technology, quality of life, working-age

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