Page 187 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 187
R-VITAL project: Factors for ensuring participation uporaba ikt na področju zdravja | use of information and communication technologies
in health promotion programs
Natalija Rozman1, Klemen Širok2
1 National Institute of Public Health, Trubarjeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
2 University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Polje 42, 6310 Izola, Slovenia
Introduction: To ensure sustainable and healthy jobs, the STAR-VITAL pro-
ject encourages stakeholders to tackle the challenges of an aging workforce.
Free of charge, we carry out individualized workplace wellbeing activities for
employees and managers in companies. Participants are - in addition to oth-
er measures such as workshops, mentoring and coaching – also admitted into
customized communication campaigns based on customer relations manage-
ment (CRM) information platform, with aim to change their health related be-
haviour. This approach (with the internal name ePlatform), which is presented
below, primarily addresses the general challenge of low levels of participation
or active involvement of employees in workplace wellbeing programs.
Methods: CRM systems are used to manage interactions with current and po-
tential customers, using analysis of customer interaction history with a busi-
ness to improve customer relationship with a focus on customer retention and
encourage purchasing behaviour. The CRM based ePlatform enables advanced
personalized web-based and mobile device communication, mobile surveying,
GDPR form management, API data sharing, advanced user segmentation, and
advanced monitoring and users’ interests’ statistics. The wealth of data gener-
ated by ePlatform also enables identification of factors related to the intensi-
ty of employee and company involvement in workplace wellbeing measures:
work specifics, exposure to health risk factors, current lifestyle, company spe-
cifics, industry specifics, employee’s health issues, demographic characteris-
tics, …
Results: As the project runs in several waves, we present the results of the first
group of 31 (out of 80) companies, which are represented by 74 managers, in-
volved in the campaign. The campaign for management consists of nine activi-
ties, aimed at the development and successful implementation of a workplace
wellbeing program. The use of the ePlatform so far shows a 68% success rate
(21 out of 31 companies are currently actively participating). With the help of
analysis of variance, in the coming months we will identify those differences be-
tween individuals and companies that are related to the intensity of participa-
tion in campaigns and the implementation of planned activities.
Discussion and conclusions: Proper use of ePlatform enables improved sup-
port and empowerment of workers and companies in changing workplace and
behaviours, leading to improved care for their own health and prolongation
of work activity. To maximize the impact, it is necessary to identify approach-
es, activities and/or factors that motivate those involved to participate and to
change their health and wellbeing behaviour.
Key words: responsiveness, participation, CRM, measures, health promotion

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