Page 201 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 201
of ICT solutions for a healthy lifestyle of the working posterji | poster presentations
population during the COVID-19 pandemic
Matjaž Likar1, Elena Likar2
1 ALMA - Human Resources Development Society, Cankarjeva ulica 6e,
2000 Maribor, Slovenia
2 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Kardeljeva ploščad 17,
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Introduction: Modern societies face many challenges, such as health and safety
of the population, socio-economic challenges, the shrinkage of the natural en-
vironment, limited natural resources, pollution, and so on. At the same time,
many opportunities are emerging based on new technologies, innovation, busi-
ness models, products and solutions. Communities see their future in a com-
bination of sustainable development, innovation and the use of knowledge to
meet challenges. For this purpose, strategies, guidelines and goals have been
developed, such as e.g. Agenda 2030 (United Nations) or the Development
Strategy of Slovenia 2030. All these plans are being reconsidered due to the
onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Values such as health, safety, trust, social in-
clusion and well-being come to the forefront of the population.
Methods: The research aims to examine how the isolation of the working pop-
ulation during the pandemic has affected its use of modern ICT resources and
how this encourages changes in the behaviour and habits of the active popula-
tion, especially in terms of mental and physical health, social relations and ed-
ucation and intellectual activities. To obtain representative data, we intend to
conduct an online survey among the active population.
Results: With the results of the survey we want to check the understanding and
usage of modern ICT in the active population before the pandemic and during
isolation; whether they have started to use the new ICT to support a healthy
lifestyle; whether the use of ICT triggered any changes in their habits and what
qualitative changes in their health and general satisfaction they perceived.
Discussion and conclusions: Modern ICT has been recognized as a change driv-
er in many areas of social life. During the isolation due to the COVID-19 pan-
demic, the active population became more aware of the beneficial use of ICT
to maintain and improve psychophysical health. The most commonly used ICT
solutions (mobile applications, web portals, smartphones and other devices)
are for physical exercise (strength, perseverance, balance, mobility), for relax-
ation (yoga, meditation, entertainment, games), for education and research
(knowledge, culture, art) and last but not least for social inclusion (communica-
tion, socializing, informing). Due to the limitations and other changes caused by
the COVID-19 pandemic, the daily use of ICT will become an even more im-
portant tool for maintaining the health of the active population, assuming that
it is used in a useful and productive way. Future research will be able to analyse
in more detail the long-term consequences of the current crisis on the use of
ICT and the changed lifestyle of the working population.
Key words: ICT, healthy lifestyle, sustainable development, innovation

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