Page 205 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 205
ect psychosocial health risk factors in hospital employees posterji | poster presentations
Tanja Rus, Melita Peršolja
University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Polje 42, 6310 Izola, Slovenia
Introduction: Employee health is influenced on the one hand by the nature of
work and the satisfaction that employees have, and on the other hand by the
psycho-social risks to which everyone in the workplace is exposed, regard-
less of the position, size or activity of the work organization. Direct psycho-
social risks at the workplace include the work environment, work equipment
and physical loads, work content, workloads, speed of work and schedule, the
employee‘s relationship with superiors and workloads. The purpose of the re-
search was to present and analyze direct risks or physical, chemical and biolog-
ical loads that increase the probability of deterioration of the psycho-physical
health condition of employees in a health care institution.
Methods: In a general hospital with 994 employees, a descriptive cross-section-
al study was conducted on a sample of 112 individuals. A standardized ques-
tionnaire Management of psychosocial risks and absenteeism was used as a
measuring instrument, which was used to investigate the connection between
direct risk factors and the psycho-physical health status of employees.
Results: We have found that the most common pains in the hospital staff are
pain in the muscles of the shoulders, neck and upper limbs. Feelings of over-
work and fatigue are also common. The psycho-physical health of the employ-
ee is associated with workload and work speed (r=0.283; p=0.002), work en-
vironment, work equipment and physical stress (r=0.359; p=0.000), stress as
a result of socio-demographic circumstances (r=0.290; p=0.002) and the em-
ployee’s relationship with the superior (r=0.304; p=0.001). The results also
show that the schedule and the content of the work are not related to the psy-
cho-physical health of the employee. Less than half of the respondents are con-
sidering to change job, and those who would, would do so because of the work
Discussion and conclusion: Healthy employees are an important factor in the
long-term success of an organization, so organizations should place more em-
phasis on the health of their employees. Avoiding direct workplace risk fac-
tors is key to ensuring employee health. Namely, most direct psychosocial risk
factors are related to the psycho-physical health condition of employees. The
more common the risk factors in employees, the worse their psychophysical
health status.
Key words: health risk factors, hospital, prevention, employees

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