Page 45 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 45
ationship between physical activity and work efficiency among fizioterapevtske in kineziološke priložnosti ... | opportunities in physiotherapy and kinesiology ...
kindergarten employees
Anja Andrenšek, Matej Plevnik
University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Polje 42, 6310 Izola, Slovenia

Introduction: Regular physical activity has a proven positive effect on physi-
cal and mental health and it also has an impact on the improved work efficien-
cy and the overall quality of life. There are different types of employees in a
kindergarten: (i) kindergarten teachers/assistants, (ii) administration and man-
agement of the kindergarten and (iii) employees in support services (cooks,
cleaners, janitors). The most frequently studied group of employees in the kin-
dergarten are teachers/assistants. Kindergarten teachers/assistants perform a
variety of work tasks that include teaching, supervision, hygiene maintenance
tasks, as well as nutrition assistance. The workload is described from a met-
abolic point of view as low-intensity activity (Grant et al., 1995). Frequent in-
correct postures and positions, fast work pace, insufficient amount of rest and
lifting heavy loads increases the risk of musculoskeletal problems (Punnett
and Wegman, 2004). In addition to physical exertion, educators are also ex-
posed to high levels of psychological stress. Educators report overwork, time
pressure, high responsibility, but nevertheless they find their work interesting
(Čecho, Švihrová, Čecho, Novák and Hudečková, 2019). The purpose of our
study was to determine the relationship between the level of physical activity
and the work efficiency of kindergarten employees.
Methods: The study was conducted in September 2019 in cooperation with the
Center for Health Promotion Piran and two kindergartens in the Municipality
of Piran. It involved 73 kindergarten employees (teachers n = 24; assistants n =
27; administration n = 5; support services n = 17). We used the Global Physi-
cal Activity Questionnaire (WHO, n.d.) and the Work Ability Index Question-
naire (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, n.d.). The analysis of
the results was performed in the SPSS 26.0, using the methods of descriptive
statistics and the analysis of correlations and differences.
Results: Recommendations on the amount of daily physical activity (WHO,
2010) are achieved by 95 % of kindergarten teachers, 83 % of assistants, 50 %
of employees in administration and 94 % of employees in support services. The
comparison between the groups shows the highest physical activity at work is
assessed by the employees in support services (Kruskal-Wallis H (3) = 16.667,
p = 0.001), this group also best evaluates their ability to work, namely in 54 %
as excellent. The amount of physical activity is statistically significantly related
to the work efficiency index only in the group of teacher assistants (χ2(2) =
8.878, p = 0.012).
Discussion and conclusion: The kindergarten brings together different groups
of employees who face different types of workload in their work. In accord-
ance with the daily workload, the promotion of health protection at the work-
place must be adapted to the needs of each group of employees, and it is rec-
ommended to encourage regular physical activity of all groups of employees.
Key words: kindergarten, physical activity, work ability, workload, health

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