Page 132 - Lazar, Irena, Aleksander Panjek in Jonatan Vinkler. Ur. 2020. Mikro in makro. Pristopi in prispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici UP Fakultete za humanistične študije, 2. knjiga. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 132
On core lexics wordlists and lexicographic approaches
used for bilingual learner dictionary of collocations (beginner level)

The article highlights the principles of compiling wordlists of core lexis,
tailored for didactic use at different levels of foreign language competence.
Special attention is dedicated to the term lexical minimum, developed with-
in the framework of didactics of Russian (Morkovkin). The validity of ac-
tual lexical minimums of Russian is analysed by comparing them with a
wordlist of the New frequency dictionary of Russian lexis. It is found that
selection criteria for Russian lexical minimums, in addition to frequency,
also apply the criteria of stylistic neutrality, semantic value, compatibility,
and word-formation activity.

The second part of the article presents in more detail the lexicograph-
ic approaches within the proposed concept of a bilingual collocation dic-
tionary of Russian. The article emphasizes the contrastive approach to the
bilingual vocabulary that highlights the typical errors at both the level of
meaning and the level of grammar. The structure of the dictionary-article
is presented in more detail. The possibility of updating the vocabulary de-
scription, using data of an emerging learner corpus of Russian compiled by
Slovene students, is highlighted as an advantage of the digital format of the
proposed dictionary.

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