Page 93 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2021. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 93
impact of role play on the professional competence of nursing psihologija / sociala in zdravje starejših odraslih | psychology / social and health of the elderly
Ester Benko, Melita Peršolja
University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Izola, Slovenia
Introduction. As a preparation or as part of clinical training, modern learning
methods are introduced into nursing studies, including experiential learning
methods such as simulation and role play. The purpose of the study was to de-
scribe the impact of role play workshops on the knowledge and skills of nurs-
ing students. We set two hypotheses: 1) Role play improves professional com-
petencies; 2) Role play is an effective learning method.
Methods. We conducted a descriptive quantitative survey, the data were col-
lected with a questionnaire. The study included 264 first-year nursing students
who underwent role-play workshops in the field of gerontological nursing. The
questionnaire was compiled for the purpose of evaluating role-playing work-
shops that take place within the study program in the subject Nursing of the El-
derly. The internal consistency of the questionnaire is 0.844 (n = 27).
Results. Respondents were convinced that throughrole-playing theygainedand
consolidated knowledge and connected theory with practice. They especially
emphasized the acquired ability to communicate in a group, constructive re-
flection, increasing sensitivity to one’s own emotions and empathy. Respond-
ents were convinced that role-playing workshops have a positive effect on the
treatment of patients and contribute to the development of professional com-
petencies, especially in the field of communication with the elderly patient and
empathy for his role.
Discussion and conclusions. With the research we found out that respondents
assess the use of the role-play method as an effective form of learning, as well
as acquiring and consolidating skills in the field of nursing care for older adults.
During the role play workshops, students have the opportunity to develop
professional competencies, especially communication skills with an elderly pa-
tient and communication in a team, improve cognitive skills, combine theoret-
ical and practical knowledge, consolidate skills in a safe learning environment
and the opportunity to exchange opinions and knowledge. Students will be
able to use the experience gained through the role-play method when working
with an elderly patient in a clinical setting.
Keywords: role play, competencies, nurses, nursing

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