Page 197 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2025. Glasbena interpretacija: med umetniškim in znanstvenim┊Music Interpretation: Between the Artistic and the Scientific. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 8
P. 197

exploring musicological discourses ...
            4)  Interpreting dataset variation:

                 –  Each corpus may emphasize different aspects of musicology.
                 For example, ML may focus more on conductors and ensembles,
                 while MZ and DMD might provide broader coverage of terms like
                 “izvedba” [performance] and “praksa” [practice].

            Table 4: Overall scores for selected keywords.

                                                                          Per mil-
                        Count- Per milli- Count- Per milli- Count-  Per mil-  Count-
                Word                                                      lion-D-
                         -MZ    on-MZ   -ML   on-ML   -GPZ  lion-GPZ -DMD
             koncert      770  159.19421  121  90.49516  17  83.4012  132  55.60234
             orkester     749  154.85255  173  129.38565  3  14.71786  109  45.91405
             zbor         650  134.38474  214  160.0493  4  19.62381  226  95.19794
             glasbenik    341  70.5003  97    72.54571  6   29.43572  147  61.92078
             dirigent     258  53.3404  131   97.97411  2   9.81191  55   23.16764
             ustvarjanje  159  32.87257  10   7.47894  11   53.96548  31  13.05812
             izvedba      158  32.66583  42   31.41154  7   34.34167  30  12.63689
             praksa       130  26.87695  21   15.70577  8   39.24762  68  28.64363
             recepcija    100  20.67457  6    4.48736  1    4.90595  35   14.74304
             izvajalec    71   14.67895  1    0.74789  #N/A  #N/A    19   8.00337
             umetnik      64   13.23173  46  34.40312  3    14.71786  29  12.21566
             ansambel     56   11.57776  51  38.14259  #N/A  #N/A    18   7.58214
             solist       47    9.71705  24   17.94946  1   4.90595  19   8.00337
             izražanje    28   5.78888  #N/A   #N/A    2    9.81191  5    2.10615
             interpretiranje  19  3.92817  2  1.49579  #N/A  #N/A    6    2.52738
             uprizarjanje  17  3.51468  14   10.47052  #N/A  #N/A    4    1.68492
             podajanje    11    2.2742   2    1.49579  3    14.71786  7   2.94861
             poustvarjanje  9  1.86071   3    2.24368  #N/A  #N/A    12   5.05476

                 As already mentioned, the individual journals and their representa-
            tion in the dataset are unbalanced, which means that the overall counts
            are not the most representative criterion. For this reason, the scores giv-
            ing relative frequencies (= frequency of a word per million words) are given
            in Table 5, with data bars showing the most and the least frequent items.

   192   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201   202