Page 196 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2025. Glasbena interpretacija: med umetniškim in znanstvenim┊Music Interpretation: Between the Artistic and the Scientific. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 8
P. 196
glasbena interpretacija ... | music interpretation ...
As Table 3 shows, the journals cover roughly the same timeframe,
which is of course also governed by the prerequisite for the digital format.
Exploratory Analysis
In this section, we present a brief analysis of the prevalent themes in the
four journals. For this, we used selected keywords within each of the sub-
corpora (journals). The overall counts and relative frequencies are given
in Table 4, with visual representation with data bars in terms of frequency. 35
1) Above average frequency words across datasets:
– The terms “koncert” [concert] and “orkester” [orchestra] are
the most frequently occurring in all datasets, with notably high
per-million occurrences in MZ (159.2 and 154.9, respectively) and
ML (90.5 and 129.4).
– “Zbor” [choir] also appears frequently across corpora, especial-
ly in ML and DMD, indicating a possible strong representation of
choral and orchestral contexts in the dataset.
2) Terms with significant variation:
– “Dirigent” [conductor] shows a higher frequency in ML (97.97
per million) compared to MZ (53.3), which might indicate a spe-
cialized focus in ML content.
– “Izvajalec” [performer] and “umetnik” [artist] have low or miss-
ing data in some corpora (notably zero occurrences in GPZ), sug-
gesting variability in terminology across texts.
3) Bellow average-frequency and specialized terms:
– Words like “poustvarjanje” [interpretation] and “uprizarjanje”
[performing, staging] are rare across all datasets, which could re-
flect more niche topics or less common terms in the domain.
– The term “recepcija” [reception] is notably present in MZ (20.67
per million), but it is far less common or missing in the other da-
tasets, indicating it may relate to specific scholarly or analytical
texts within MZ.
34 dirigent, orkester, solist, poustvarjanje, glasbenik, zbor, ansambel, koncert, ustvar-
janje, podajanje, recepcija, izvedba, praksa, umetnik, interpretiranje, uprizarjanje,
izražanje, izvajalec
35 The keywords are given in-text with my (free) translations in square brackets.