Page 198 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2025. Glasbena interpretacija: med umetniškim in znanstvenim┊Music Interpretation: Between the Artistic and the Scientific. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 8
P. 198

glasbena interpretacija ... | music interpretation ...
            1)   High-frequency terms:
                 –  “Koncert” [concert], “orkester” [orchestra], and “zbor” [choir]
                 are the most frequently occurring terms across journals, especial-
                 ly in MZ and ML. For instance, “koncert” [concert] has a relative
                 frequency of 159.2 in MZ and 90.5 in ML, showing a consistent fo-
                 cus on concert settings. Similarly, “zbor” [choir] is highly promi-
                 nent in ML (160.0) and DMD (95.2), indicating that choral music
                 is a common topic, particularly within these journals.

                 –  “Orkester” [orchestra] also shows high relative frequencies in
                 MZ (154.9) and ML (129.4), while GPZ has a much lower value
                 (14.7), suggesting that orchestral discussions may be more central
                 to MZ and ML.
            2)   Low-frequency terms:
                 –  Terms such as “interpretiranje” [interpreting], “izražanje” [ex-
                 pression], and “poustvarjanje” [re-creation, interpretation] appear
                 infrequently across most datasets, with relative frequencies most-
                 ly below 10. For example, “interpretiranje” [interpreting] has very
                 low values in ML (1.5) and MZ (3.9), and is absent in GPZ. This
                 trend indicates these terms are less central in the studied content
                 or potentially more specialized/niche as a word form (cf. “inter-
                 pretacija” [interpreatation]).
                 –  “Podajanje” [presentation, execution] shows a low relative fre-
                 quency in MZ (2.3) and ML (1.5), but stands out with a higher value
                 in GPZ (14.7), possibly reflecting a focus on presentation aspects in
                 GPZ-related discourse.
            3)   Variation across journals:

                 –  MZ has high relative frequencies for terms across the board,
                 notably “koncert” [concert], “orkester” [orchestra], and “zbor”
                 [choir], which may suggest a broader coverage of performance-fo-
                 cused topics.
                 –  ML shows an interest in both performance and conductor-re-
                 lated terms, as indicated by high frequencies for “zbor” [choir]
                 (160.0) and “dirigent” [conductor] (98.0). This might reflect the-
                 matic coverage of musical direction and ensemble settings.

                 –  GPZ generally has lower frequencies, with a few exceptions like
                 “praksa” [practice] (39.2) and “ustvarjanje” [creating] (54.0), po-

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