Page 199 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2025. Glasbena interpretacija: med umetniškim in znanstvenim┊Music Interpretation: Between the Artistic and the Scientific. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 8
P. 199
exploring musicological discourses ...
tentially indicating a focus on creative practices and applied mu-
sical contexts in this dataset.
– DMD shows more balance, with relatively high values for “zbor”
[choir] and “glasbenik” [musician] but otherwise lower across
terms, suggesting broader thematic coverage without a single
dominant focus.
4) Distinct terms by journal:
– “Dirigent” [conductor] and “solist” [soloist] appear with higher
frequency in ML and DMD, reflecting an emphasis on individual
musicians or directors within these journals.
– “Recepcija” [reception] is more present in MZ (20.7), while less
so in others, suggesting a potential focus on the reception or au-
dience perception in MZ’s publications.
In summary, this analysis of relative frequencies highlights thematic
focuses by journal, where MZ and ML often emphasize performance-relat-
ed terms, while GPZ and DMD show more specialized or varied topic dis-
tributions, as Table 5 demonstrates.
Table 5: Relative frequencies for given keywords.
Item Per million-MZ Per million-ML Per million-GPZ Per million-DMD
koncert 159,19421 90,49516 83,4012 55,60234
orkester 154,85255 129,38565 14,71786 45,91405
zbor 134,38474 160,0493 19,62381 95,19794
glasbenik 70,5003 72,54571 29,43572 61,92078
dirigent 53,3404 97,97411 9,81191 23,16764
ustvarjanje 32,87257 7,47894 53,96548 13,05812
izvedba 32,66583 31,41154 34,34167 12,63689
praksa 26,87695 15,70577 39,24762 28,64363
recepcija 20,67457 4,48736 4,90595 14,74304
izvajalec 14,67895 0,74789 / 8,00337
umetnik 13,23173 34,40312 14,71786 12,21566
ansambel 11,57776 38,14259 / 7,58214
solist 9,71705 17,94946 4,90595 8,00337
izražanje 5,78888 / 9,81191 2,10615
interpretiranje 3,92817 1,49579 / 2,52738
uprizarjanje 3,51468 10,47052 / 1,68492
podajanje 2,2742 1,49579 14,71786 2,94861
poustvarjanje 1,86071 2,24368 / 5,05476