Page 109 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 109
njima primjerenom zavjetnom kontekstu (sl. 41). ponnese, where they were, of course, found in great- povezanost ... ■ a coherence ... 109
U smislu njihova povijesnog interpretiranja, podatak er numbers in an, to them, appropriate votive context
dobiva dodatno na vrijednosti jer je poznato kako su (Fig. 41). In terms of their historical interpretation, this
upravo Makedonci izrazito štovali i častili snažno ista- information creates additional value since it is known
knut muški princip olimpijskog svetišta. U religioznoj that the Macedonians highly revered and worshiped
i/ili diplomatskoj prohelenskoj promidžbi taj se napon the strongly emphasized male principle of the Olym-
neuzdržano iskazivao već od 5. st. pr. Kr. nadalje.200 pic sanctuary. In religious and/or diplomatic pro-Hel-
lenic promotion this connection was continually ex-
Opravdano se zato pretpostavlja kako je upravo pod- pressed from the 5th cent. BC.200
ručje Makedonije bilo izvorištem i poprištem kreacije, It is to be assumed, therefore, that it was the area of
proizvodnje i distribucije ilirskih kaciga. Na njihovom Macedonia was the source and scene of creation, pro-
se širem području prati kontinuitet razvojnih oblika, duction and distribution of Illyrian helmets. On their
varijanti, inačica i dekorativno-simboličkih odlika tih wider area we can follow the continuity of their for-
kaciga. Ipak, time se ne podrazumijeva i neophodnost mal development, formation of variant and decorative
njihove primjene na području same Makedonske dr- as well as symbolic features of these helmets. Howev-
žave, već se otvara i mogućnost proizvodnje isključivo er, this does not imply the necessity of their use in the
za strano tržište, susjednih sjevernijih područja Ilirije Macedonian state, but it opens the possibility of their
i »Barbaricuma«. Naime, u to je vrijeme Makedonija producing solely for the foreign market of neighbour-
već odmjereno, ali sigurno vršila svoju određenu poli- ing northern regions of Illyria and »Barbaricum«. Since
tičku i ekonomsku propagandu i time postupnu pene- at the time Macedonia quietly but steadily performed
traciju na situaciju koja se odvijala na prostoru srednje- its specific political and economic propaganda and thus
ga Sredozemlja, poglavito Jadrana. Stanje potvrđuje i the gradual penetration in to the situation that took
činjenica kako se na prostoru Halkidike i Grčke u isto place in the area of ​the central Mediterranean, especial-
doba nose halkidiške i ponajviše korintske kacige,201 ly the Adriatic. The condition is further confirmed by
odnosno da ilirske kacige uopće nemaju vojni ili mod- the fact that in the area of ​Chalcidice and Greece at the
ni autoritet toga vremena. same time were used Chalcidian and mostly Corinthi-
an helmets.201 The Illyrian helmets had no military or
Ukoliko se s »ilirskim kacigama«, dakle kao jednom fashion authority of the time.
od oznaka, može slijediti i iščitavati tako otvoreni put

200 Herodot 5.22; Berringer 2008, 54-58; Engels 2010, 96-97; Sprawski 2010, 141-142; 200 Herodot 5.22; Berringer 2008, 54-58; Engels 2010, 96-97; Sprawski 2010, 141-142;
usp. Borza 1990; Errington 1990; Gandeto 2002, uz stariju i potpuniju litera- cf. Borza 1990; Errington 1990; Gandeto 2002, with earlier literature.
201 Vasić 1982a, 8-10, kart; Pflug 1988b, 65-106; Pflug 1988c, 137-150; Teržan 1995; 123,
201 Vasić 1982a, 8-10, karta; Pflug 1988b, 65-106; Pflug 1988c, 137-150; Teržan 1995; Abb. 10; Blečić Kavur, Pravidur 2012, 85.
123, sl. 10; Blečić Kavur, Pravidur 2012, 85.
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