Page 129 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 129
žbe, gotovo identičan način i kvaliteta izradbe, te ture as well as technical and stylistic presentation of the povezanost ... ■ a coherence ... 129
tehničkog i stilskog prikaza rogatih (jelena, kozoroga i horned animal (deer, ibex etc.) is depicted on the low-
sl.) životinja prikazana je na donjem, trećem frizu situ- er, third frieze of the situla from Providence (Bolo-
le iz Providence (Bologne?) koja je inače raskošno fi- gna?), which is lavishly decorated with two further nar-
guralno ukrašena s još dva narativna friza. Predstavlja rative friezes. It represents the work of classical Situla
rad klasične situlske umjetnosti i datirana je u 6. i 5. st. Art and is dated to the 6th and 5th cent. BC.234 This is the
pr. Kr.234 To je vrijeme kada situlska umjetnost cvjeta time when the Situla Art flourishes in the famous »sit-
u čuvenom »situlskom polumjesecu« od Bologne sve ula crescent« from Bologna all the way to Dolenjska.235
do Dolenjske.235 Usporedbe stoga možemo pronaći i We can find comparison in situlae from the south-east-
kod situla iz jugoistočnog predalpskog prostora. Pre- ern Alpine region. According to the intertwined dec-
ma ukrasu prepleta, u najdonjem dijelu plašta posude, oration in the lowest part of the vessel fragment from
ulomak situle iz Osora srodan je onome iz Kobarida, Osor is akin to that from Kobarid, where the limbs of
gdje su ekstremiteti životinja (konja) također prika- animals (horses) are also presented as extremely slen-
zani izuzetno vitkima.236 Nadalje, sličnosti su vidljive der.236 Furthermore similarities are visible on fragments
i kod ulomaka situle iz Dolenjskih Toplic, grob 2/23,237 of situlae from Dolenjske Toplice, grave 2/23,237 and
a po figuri životinje i kod situle iz Vača.238 Međutim, in the figure of animals from the situla from Vače.238
najbliža i najsigurnija usporedba nalazi se kod ulomka However, the nearest comparison comes from a frag-
s realističnim prikazom oranja iz grobnice I/12 iz nasu- ment with a realistic depiction of plowing from the
protnog istarskog Nezakcija.239 grave I/12 from the Nesactium.239
Beside situlae such ornament of intertwined lines is
Osim na situlama, takav preplet susrećemo i kao known as the dividing line between two decorated
razdjelnu liniju između dva figuralno, narativno ukra- friezes from the bronze cist from Montebelluno.240
šena friza na brončanoj cisti iz Montebelluna.240 Ona But it differs in comparison from the Osor finds as well
se ipak udaljuje u paraleli od osorskog primjerka, kao as other listed analogy, since the feet of the animals are
i ostalih navedenih analogija, jer noge životinja nisu not so precisely depicted as on the above-mentioned

234 Lucke, Frey 1962, T. 1-5. 234 Lucke, Frey 1962, T. 1-5.
235 Kastelic 1988, 100-103; usp. Turk 2005 (sa starijom literaturom); Teržan 2007, 235 Kastelic 1988, 100-103; cf. Turk 2005 (with earlier literature); Teržan 2007, 81-83

81-83 (sa starijom literaturom). (with earlier literature).
236 Lucke, Frey 1962, 71, T. 33, 19e; Turk 2005, 70, k. II, sl. 105. 236 Lucke, Frey 1962, 71, T. 33, 19e; Turk 2005, 70, k. II, sl. 105.
237 Lucke, Frey 1962, k. 32; Teržan 1976, Priloga 3; Turk 2005, k. 47, sl. 50-51. 237 Lucke, Frey 1962, k. 32; Teržan 1976, Priloga 3; Turk 2005, k. 47, sl. 50-51.
238 Turk 2005, 34-35, sl. 52. 238 Turk 2005, 34-35, sl. 52.
239 Lucke, Frey 1962, 77, T. 45, 30l; Mihovilić 2001, sl. 94, T. 15, 9; Mihovilić 2013, 239 Lucke, Frey 1962, 77, T. 45, 30l; Mihovilić 2001, sl. 94, T. 15, 9; Mihovilić 2013,

290, sl. 166, 224. 290, sl. 166, 224.
240 Capuis, Ruta Serafini 1996, Fig. 6; Teržan 2001, 210, sl. 3; Turk 2005, 29-30, sl. 40. 240 Capuis, Ruta Serafini 1996, Fig. 6; Teržan 2001, 210, sl. 3; Turk 2005, 29-30, sl. 40.
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