Page 194 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 194
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 194 osorskoj čaši. Naime, ona zasigurno potječe s prosto- the appropriate interpretation of the cup from Osor.
ra kavanelske nekropole, pa je najvjerojatnije pripada- Specifically, it certainly comes from the area of Kava-
la nekom bogatijem grobu eminentnog pojedinca, s nela necropolis, and it most likely belonged to a richer
time da je, u skladu s ovdašnjim običajima, prethodno grave of an eminent individual, provided that, in accor-
na njoj izvršen obred ritualizacije, namjernog lomlje- dance with the local custom, on it was previously per-
nja, deformiranja, uništavanja i spaljivanja na obred- formed the fragmentation rite – intentional breakage,
nom spalištu. destruction and burning on the ceremonial pyre.
Unlike the cup from Osor, similar pieces made of
Za razliku od osorske čaše, najsrodniji primjerci izra- bronze were preserved almost in its entirety. Discov-
đeni od bronce sačuvani su gotovo u cijelosti ili djelo- eries of cups from Corinth and from Votonosi in Epi-
mično. Nalazi čaša iz Korinta i iz ostave Votonosi u rus,382 as well as a similar cup from the Metropoli-
Epiru,382 kao i njima najsrodnija čaša iz Metropolitan tan Museum of Art, which allegedly originated from
Museum of Art koja navodno potječe iz sjeverne Itali- northern Italy,383 illustrate it very well. In various ver-
je,383 to vrlo dobro ilustriraju. U raznim inačicama naj- sions, their highest numbers are known from the area
većim brojem potječu iz područja Makedonije gdje se of ​M​ acedonia where are significant examples from
osobito ističu primjeri iz Derveni, Vitse ili Medeona Derveni, Vitsa or Medeon (Fig. 69).384
(sl. 69).384 But the silver cups of this type were very rare, and in
the area of ​Greece they were generally associated with
No, srebrne čaše toga tipa vrlo su rijetke, i na prosto- younger contexts of Macedonian production. There
ru Grčke uglavnom su povezane uz mlađe kontekste are distinct cups from Kozani385 and one from the is-
makedonske produkcije. Izdvajaju se čaše iz Kozani385 land of Halki (Chalki) near Rhodes.386 Silver cups of
i ona s otoka Halki (Chalki) kod Rodosa.386 Srebrne the same characteristics are known further from the
čaše istih obilježja poznate su nadalje iz kolekcije Me- collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the so-
tropolitan Museum of Art, tzv. New York cup koja po- called New York cup that originating from the territory

382 Vokotopoulou 1975, 768-769, Fig. 29; Zimmermann 1998, 158, T. 14, 2. 382 Vokotopoulou 1975, 768-769, Fig. 29; Zimmermann 1998, 158, T. 14, 2.
383 Richter 1953, 127, Pl. 107b; usp. Bronze kylix (drinking cup), In Heilbrunn Ti- 383 Richter 1953, 127, Pl. 107b; cf. Bronze kylix (drinking cup), In Heilbrunn Timeli-

meline of Art History, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000– ne of Art History, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000– http:// (21. 01. 2014). (21. 01. 2014).
384 Sideris 2000, 11, 17, Fig. 7-9; usp. Vokotopoulou 1983, 178, Fig. 83, 6, T. 284, 1; 384 Sideris 2000, 11, 17, Fig. 7-9; cf. Vokotopoulou 1983, 178, Fig. 83, 6, T. 284, 1;
Zimmermann 1998, 158, T. 14, 1, 3; T. 15, 3; Ζυμή, Σίδερης 2003, 45-46, ΠΙΝ 16β; γ. Zimmermann 1998, 158, T. 14, 1, 3; T. 15, 3; Ζυμή, Σίδερης 2003, 45-46, ΠΙΝ 16β; γ.
385 Strong 1966, 94; usp. Mentesidi 1993, 46, Fig. 19. 385 Strong 1966, 94; cf. Mentesidi 1993, 46, Fig. 19.
386 Walters 1921, 5, Pl. III, 14; usp. Kylix-Chalki, Collection online, In: The Britisch 386 Walters 1921, 5, Pl. III, 14; cf. Kylix-Chalki, Collection online, In: The British
Museum: Museum:
lection_object_details.aspx?objectId=429189&partId=1 (21. 02. 2014). lection_object_details.aspx?objectId=429189&partId=1 (21. 02. 2014).
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