Page 193 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 193
elova nije sačuvan ni jedan ulomak, jer su vjerojatno standing on the sides were two, above the rim raised partnerstvo ... ■ the partnership ... 193
bili namjerno otkinuti od posude, a samo je tijelo dra- handles. None of these parts was preserved since they
stično izobličeno i prignječeno. Međutim, izvanred- were probably deliberately broken off of the vessel, and
nost te šalice nije u njezinom tipu ili načinu izradbe, only the body was drastically distorted and squashed.
budući da su to oblici koji su se proizvodili u različitim However, the specialty of this cup is not in the type or
veličinama i od različitih materijala. One su bile nezao- method of its construction, as it is of a form which was
bilazan i omiljeni oblik malih posuda pri simpozijima produced in different sizes and from different materi-
i banketarskim obredima ritualnog ispijanja najčešće als. They were indispensable and favourite form of small
prisutnog kod muškaraca iz grčkog i makedonskog vessels in symposia and banquets ritual of drinking usu-
svijeta od prve polovice 4. pa sve do sredine 3. st. pr. ally present in men from the Greek and Macedonian
Kr.379 Ipak, među njima, posebno su mjesto zauzima- world of the first half of the 4th until the mid of 3rdcent.
le one šalice izrađene od plemenitih metala, srebra ili BC.379 Nevertheless, among them, a special place oc-
zlata. Osorska čaša izrađena je upravo lijevanjem u sre- cupied those cups made of precious metals – silver or
bru zbog čega će njezina vrijednost biti još izražajnija. gold. The cup from Osor was made by casting in silver
consequently making its value even more expressive.
Prema osnovnim karakteristikama osorsku čašu mo- According to the basic characteristics we can connect
žemo povezati uz umjetnički obrt makedonske proi- the cup from Osor with the arts and crafts of the Mace-
zvodnje koji je upravo inovirao duboke oblike šalica donian production – the later innovated deep forms of
i čaša poglavito od bronce, a izvanredno od srebra.380 cups and beakers made from bronze and exceptionally
Brončane inačice tog tipa posuđa najznačajnije su za from silver.380 Bronze versions of this type of tableware
područje Makedonije i sjeverne Grčke. U manjem se were most significant for the region of Macedonia and
broju rasprostiru i u širokom ambijentu od južne Ita- northern Greece. In smaller numbers they are spread in
lije do srednje Europe, od Trakije sve do Ponta, tj. na a wide area of southern Italy and central Europe, from
onim područjima s kojima je Makedonija imala pri- Thrace to Pontus, i.e. in those areas with which Mace-
sne i uhodane kontakte različitih međuodnosa (sl. donia had genuine and well-established contacts of var-
69).381 Na tom su teritoriju u pravilu sve nađene kao di- ious interrelationships (Fig. 69).381 On this territory they
jelovi setova za piće u grobovima i bogatim grobnica- were discovered as parts of sets for a drinking in the
ma istaknutih članova mjesnih aristokracija. U istom graves and rich tombs of prominent members of the lo-
kontekstu moglo bi se naći i prikladno tumačenje cal aristocracy. In the same context could be observed
379 Zimmermann 1998, 30-31. 379 Zimmermann 1998, 30-31.
380 Sideris 2000, 17-21; usp. Zimmermann 1998, 35. 380 Sideris 2000, 17-21; cf. Zimmermann 1998, 35.
381 Sideris 2000, 20, Fig. 18. 381 Sideris 2000, 20, Fig. 18.
bili namjerno otkinuti od posude, a samo je tijelo dra- handles. None of these parts was preserved since they
stično izobličeno i prignječeno. Međutim, izvanred- were probably deliberately broken off of the vessel, and
nost te šalice nije u njezinom tipu ili načinu izradbe, only the body was drastically distorted and squashed.
budući da su to oblici koji su se proizvodili u različitim However, the specialty of this cup is not in the type or
veličinama i od različitih materijala. One su bile nezao- method of its construction, as it is of a form which was
bilazan i omiljeni oblik malih posuda pri simpozijima produced in different sizes and from different materi-
i banketarskim obredima ritualnog ispijanja najčešće als. They were indispensable and favourite form of small
prisutnog kod muškaraca iz grčkog i makedonskog vessels in symposia and banquets ritual of drinking usu-
svijeta od prve polovice 4. pa sve do sredine 3. st. pr. ally present in men from the Greek and Macedonian
Kr.379 Ipak, među njima, posebno su mjesto zauzima- world of the first half of the 4th until the mid of 3rdcent.
le one šalice izrađene od plemenitih metala, srebra ili BC.379 Nevertheless, among them, a special place oc-
zlata. Osorska čaša izrađena je upravo lijevanjem u sre- cupied those cups made of precious metals – silver or
bru zbog čega će njezina vrijednost biti još izražajnija. gold. The cup from Osor was made by casting in silver
consequently making its value even more expressive.
Prema osnovnim karakteristikama osorsku čašu mo- According to the basic characteristics we can connect
žemo povezati uz umjetnički obrt makedonske proi- the cup from Osor with the arts and crafts of the Mace-
zvodnje koji je upravo inovirao duboke oblike šalica donian production – the later innovated deep forms of
i čaša poglavito od bronce, a izvanredno od srebra.380 cups and beakers made from bronze and exceptionally
Brončane inačice tog tipa posuđa najznačajnije su za from silver.380 Bronze versions of this type of tableware
područje Makedonije i sjeverne Grčke. U manjem se were most significant for the region of Macedonia and
broju rasprostiru i u širokom ambijentu od južne Ita- northern Greece. In smaller numbers they are spread in
lije do srednje Europe, od Trakije sve do Ponta, tj. na a wide area of southern Italy and central Europe, from
onim područjima s kojima je Makedonija imala pri- Thrace to Pontus, i.e. in those areas with which Mace-
sne i uhodane kontakte različitih međuodnosa (sl. donia had genuine and well-established contacts of var-
69).381 Na tom su teritoriju u pravilu sve nađene kao di- ious interrelationships (Fig. 69).381 On this territory they
jelovi setova za piće u grobovima i bogatim grobnica- were discovered as parts of sets for a drinking in the
ma istaknutih članova mjesnih aristokracija. U istom graves and rich tombs of prominent members of the lo-
kontekstu moglo bi se naći i prikladno tumačenje cal aristocracy. In the same context could be observed
379 Zimmermann 1998, 30-31. 379 Zimmermann 1998, 30-31.
380 Sideris 2000, 17-21; usp. Zimmermann 1998, 35. 380 Sideris 2000, 17-21; cf. Zimmermann 1998, 35.
381 Sideris 2000, 20, Fig. 18. 381 Sideris 2000, 20, Fig. 18.