Page 44 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 44
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 44 skupina odvijali su se po nekom regionalnom principu place on a kind of a regional principle of economic and
gospodarskog i političkog afirmiranja.61 Koliko nam je political affirmation.61 As far as we know today, materi-
danas poznato, materijalna građa optjecala je unutar al culture circulated within cultural circles which were
kulturnih krugova koji su zemljopisno bili bliže među- geographically closer interconnected. Their summa-
sobno povezani, a njihov nam zbir u stvaranju šire kul- tion in the creation of a broader cultural image brings
turno-povijesne predodžbe prenosi i fragment ispre- us a fragment of entanglement of different past social
pletenosti ondašnjih različitih društvenih odnosa. relations. Kvarner did at the time, along with Istria, rep-
Tada je Kvarner, zajedno s Istrom, predstavljao istoč- resent the eastern part of the northern Adriatic cultur-
ni dio kulturnog prostora sjevernog Jadrana ili pro- al area or the territory of Caput Adriae. And it was, with
stora Caput Adriae. A on je, sa svojim zaleđem jugoi- its hinterland of the south-eastern Alpine region and a
stočnog alpskog prostora i dijelom zapadnog Balkana, part of the Western Balkans, traditionally a vital part of
tradicionalno bio vitalno tijelo tzv. sjevernojadranske the so-called northern Adriatic koiné. It was in dynam-
koiné. Dinamično interaktivna s čitavim alpskim, po- ic interactive relations with the entire Alpine, especially
glavito jugoistočnoalpskim prostorom, gdje su domi- south-eastern area, where different groups of Hallstatt
nirale različite skupine halštatskog kulturnog kruga, u cultural circle dominated and at the same time it was
istom je angažmanu bila i s jugoistočnim i središnjim connected to the south-eastern and central Italic main-
italskim kopnom. Poseban odnos ta je koiné ostvarila s land. This koiné achieved a special relation with the eth-
etnički nam dobro poznatim zajednicama Venata i Pi- nically well-known communities of Veneti and Piceni
cena, posredno i s Etruščanima.62 Sve su te zajednice, and indirectly with the Etruscans.62 All of these com-
bez izuzetaka, svoju moć izgrađivale na privredno-tr- munities, without an exception, built their power on
govačkom potencijalu, a štitile je i širile uznapredova- the economic and commercial potential, and protect-
nim vojnim snagama. ed it with advanced military forces.
However, changes in social and economic, and indi-
Međutim, promjene u društvenom i gospodarskom, a rectly in the ideological and conceptual development
neizravno i u ideološko-konceptualnom razvoju pro- of the proto-urban society were further refined with
tourbanog društva dodatno se oplemenjuju novim, za new, for the Eastern Mediterranean and the south-
istočno Sredozemlje i južnobalkansko područje izra- ern Balkans area very characteristic impulses. Further
zito karakterističnim impulsima. Jer, južnije, na Bal- south, on the Balkans, the situation was extremely live-
kanu, situacija je izvjesno bila živa, pogotovo u vojno- ly, especially in the military and political perspective.
političkom pogledu. U tom nam je smjeru povijest In that direction history left us with much more infor-

61 Tomedi 1999; Peroni 2004. 61 Tomedi 1999; Peroni 2004.
62 Peroni 1996; Nascimbene 2009; usp. Mihovilić 1986; Blečić Kavur 2012. 62 Peroni 1996; Nascimbene 2009; cf. Mihovilić 1986; Blečić Kavur 2012.
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