Page 46 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 46
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 46 Isu na Visu, te pomažu podizanje Farosa na Hvaru. Li- raise Pharos on Hvar. They conquered Lissus and con-
sos su osvojili, a u Adriji učvrstili svoju poziciju. Kon- solidated their position in Adria – consequently they
trolu nad Jadranom preuzeli su na taj način gotovo u took over almost entirely the control on the Adriatic.68
cijelosti.68 Ustaljeni odnos snaga na Balkanu bio je, da- Steady power relations in the Balkans had therefore to
kle, u potpunosti izmijenjen i u znaku stalne uzbuđe- be fully revised in an ambience of constant excitement,
nosti, sukoba i otvorenih ratova. Njihove različite inte- conflicts and open wars. Different propagandas featur-
resne propagande provodile su se i na potezu istočne ing their interests were carried out on the eastern Adri-
obale Jadrana, gdje izravno nisu obuhvatile jedino teri- atic coast, where they did not directly ensnare only the
torij Histra i Liburna. territories of Histri and Liburni.

S obzirom na takvo stanje, prihvaćeno je mnijenje Given the situation it is an accepted opinion that
kako se, tijekom 6. pa do ranog 4. st. pr. Kr., poglavi- during the 6th to the early 4th cent. BC, especially pri-
to do keltskih invazija u Italiju, kao odraz statusne važ- or to the Celtic invasion in Italy, as a reflection of the
nosti i vojnopolitičkog autoriteta mjesne aristokra- importance of status and military authority of the local
cije sjevernoitalskog i jugoistočnog alpskog, baš kao aristocracy of the northern Italic and south-eastern Al-
i balkanskog, prostora počinju izdvajati bogati i rat- pine, just like and the Balkan, territory, rich and military
nički grobovi. Novi način obilježavanja snaga pojedi- graves started to appear. A new way of demonstrating
nih i, najvjerojatnije, autonomnih elita postaju raskoš- the power of individual and, most likely, autonomous
ne nošnje, izuzetni simpozijastički predmeti i bogata elites acquired luxurious costumes, extraordinary sym-
vojna oprema koje najčešće nalazimo očuvane u gro- posium items and rich military equipment – preserved
bovima ili na obrednim mjestima. Običaj je to koji se mostly in graves and ritual contexts. It was a tradition
prenosio etruščanskim, ali i grčkim i makedonskim transmitted by the Etruscan, but also by the Greek and
posredništvom, posebno ekspanzijom njihove trgo- Macedonian intermediation, especially due to the ex-
vine, razmjene i utjecaja preko sve snažnijeg istupanja pansion of their trade, exchange and through increas-
kolonijalnih ili posredničkih, trgovačkih središta, baš ingly stronger appearances of colonial or intermediary
kao i vojnih uporišta na Jadranu.69 and trading centres – just as well as military bases on
the Adriatic.69
Premda s njima pristiže različita materijalna građa,
evidentno drugačija od prijašnje, kao što je vojna Albeit with them arrived different material items, ev-
idently different from the former, such as military
68 Čače 1994, 41; Kirigin 2004, 59-60; usp. Grant 1989, 173-174; Braccesi 2001, 81-
97. 68 Čače 1994, 41; Kirigin 2004, 59-60; cf. Grant 1989, 173-174; Braccesi 2001, 81-97.
69 Teržan 1977, 10; Egg 1986, 128-129; Teržan 1995, 86; Blečić Kavur, Miličević-Ca-
69 Teržan 1977, 10; Egg 1986, 128-129; Teržan 1995, 86; Blečić Kavur, Miličević-Ca-
pek 2011; Blečić Kavur, Pravidur 2012. pek 2011; Blečić Kavur, Pravidur 2012.
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