Page 47 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 47
ema, luksuzno keramičko ili metalno posuđe te equipment, luxury ceramic or metal vessels and vari- prosperitet grada ■ prosperity of the city 47
razna druga dobra, njihov je neupitan i svakako pre- ous other goods, their influence was unquestionable
sudan utjecaj, pored razvijenih sjevernoitalskih et- and certainly decisive, beside the influence of the devel-
ničkih zajednica, bio u društvenoj reorganizaciji i hi- oped northern Italic societies, in the social reorganiza-
jerarhizaciji tzv. mjesnih, vojničkih i/ili trgovačkih tion and hierarchisation of the so-called local, military
elita. Ipak, samosvojni razvoj pojedinih regionalnih and/or commercial elites. Still the autonomous devel-
skupina ili samih užih područja, bilo u materijalnom opment of individual regional groups or limited areas
bilo u duhovnom smislu, nije bio zanemariv, inferio- was either in the material or in a religious sense not neg-
ran ili degeneriran u odnosu na pristignute, već izra- ligible, inferior or degenerated in respect to the arrived,
zit i profiliran u svojim potrebama i težnjama. Una- already featured and profiled in their needs and aspira-
toč svemu tome one izgledno nisu smogle, ili nisu tions. Despite all this they obviously could not or did
htjele, prekoračiti tzv. civilizacijski prag onodobne not want to trespass the so-called threshold of civiliza-
europske povijesti. tion of European history of that time.

Osor je kao protourbano mjesto u tome svemu imao Osor had as a proto-urban city in all of this only one re-
samo jednu realno moguću gospodarsku perspek- alistically possible economic perspective: distinct ma-
tivu: izrazit pomorski i posrednički resurs. Glavna je rine and intermediate resource. It was the main activ-
to djelatnost koja je kreirala i pospješila uključivanje ity which created and accelerated the inclusion this
toga dijela obale u tzv. globalnija kretanja društvenih part of the coast in to the so-called global movements
i gospodarskih sustava. Zbog toga osorsko društvo of social and economic systems. Therefore the society
vrlo rano formira svoju mjesnu elitu kozmopolitskog from Osor formed very early its local elite of a cosmo-
i eklektičnog duha. Takav se društveni izgled nije do- politan and eclectic spirit. Such a social appearance did
godio slučajno, niti isključivo za toga doba. U svojoj je not occur accidentally nor exclusively at that time. In
biti pokazala uhodano razvijanje običaja još iz kasnog its essence it demonstrated a commonly development
brončanog i starijeg željeznog doba, drugim riječima of habits already continuing from the Late Bronze and
u tradiciji duljoj od polovice tisućljeća! the Early Iron Age – with other words in the tradition
longer than half a millennium!
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