Page 49 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 49
Grad – izgled i odnosi
The city – apperance and relations

O Osor je smješten na zadanoj, morem odvoje- 49
noj niskoj prevlaci koja je i s južne i sjever-
ne strane omeđena morem (sl. 15-16). Tu su sor is located on a low isthmus which is on
the southern and northern side bordered
by the sea (Fig. 15-16) – there on Jazit and Bi-

bila smještena i podesna pristaništa, na Jazitu i Bija- jar were located the ancient ports. Western, as well as

ru. Zapadna, kao i dijelom istočna strana završavale a part of the eastern side ended with a channel. With-

su kanalom. U takvim granicama obuhvaćen je prili- in such confines was embraced a considerable space, an

čan prostor, izdvojena površina idealna za nastanjiva- isolated area ideal for the establishment and develop-

nje i razvijanje naselja. Kako je rečeno, njegov se razvoj, ment of the settlement. As mentioned before, its devel-

posredno, prati od brončanog doba, već od prijelaza 2. opment could be indirectly followed from the Bronze
na 1. milenij stare ere, ako ne i od ranije.70 Tada naselje Age – already from the turn of the second in to the
postaje većih dimenzija od onih u bližem okruženju, first millennium BC first, if not earlier.70 Then the set-

a ubrzo i središnje naselje otoka. Raspolažući s ogro- tlement became larger than others in the neighbouring

mnom urbanom površinom koja je spadala u najveće area and soon it acquired the role of the central settle-

na području istočne obale Jadrana, ipak se o njegovom ment on the island. Having at disposal a spacious urban

prapovijesnom ili protourbanom i urbanom izgledu area which was among the largest on ​the eastern Adri-

malo zna. Najvećom mjerom to se odnosi na pozna- atic coast only a little is known on its prehistoric or pro-

vanje bedema koji su se sačuvali u opstojnosti i una- to-urban and urban appearance. This relates mostly to

toč novijim dogradnjama. Značajniji je pak pristup u the acquaintance with the walls which were preserved

poznavanju odnosa samoga naselja, jer su nam zasad despite future upgrades. Significant is in turn the un-

poznata barem tri sigurno odvojena, različito djelat- derstanding of the relationship of the settlements since

na areala. Bedem se tako ispostavlja kao poveznica ili so far are known to us at least three divided areas with

70 Faber 1974, 80-81; Faber 1976, 229; usp. Blečić et al. 2006, 39-57. 70 Faber 1974, 80-81; Faber 1976, 229; cf. Blečić et al. 2006, 39-57.
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