Page 45 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 45
avila pak mnogo više podataka. Grčka je tada već mation. Greece was already exhausted by the Pelopon- prosperitet grada ■ prosperity of the city 45
iscrpljena Peloponeškim ratovima (431.-404. g. pr. Kr.) nesian wars (431-404 BC) in which Sparta supreme-
u kojima je Sparta nadmoćno pobijedila Atenu i po- ly overpowered Athens and became the hegemonic
stala hegemonskim autoritetom Egeje. Od tih je rato- authority of the Aegean. Due to these wars along the
va uz sjeverni rub Grčke politički neosporna činjenica northern edge of the Greek world Macedonia became
postala Makedonija, koja je imala pravno uređenje dr- a politically indisputable fact. It had a legal regulation of
žave potpuno nezavisno od grčkog svijeta ili od Perzi- the state which was completely independent from the
je. U svakom je aspektu imala gospodarsko-ekonom- Greek world or from Persia. In every aspect it had an
ski imperativ, pa ubrzo postaje i »vladarom« buduće administrative and economic imperative and soon be-
Via Egnatiae,63 tj. prometnice koja je spajala istočni Ja- came the »ruler« of the future Via Egnatia63 – the road
dran s Makedonijom i sjevernom Egejom. Nada- that connected the eastern Adriatic with the northern
lje, iznad Gornje Makedonije formirano je i tzv. ilir- Aegean. Furthermore, above Upper Macedonia was
sko kraljevstvo,64 također vojnopolitički čimbenik formed the so-called Illyrian kingdom64 – also a politi-
toga zemljopisa, s vrlo istaknutom ulogom na Jadra- cal factor of that territory which featured a prominent
nu. Osnivanje grčkih kolonija na njihovoj obali, Kor- role on the Adriatic. Of key importance was the estab-
kire, pa Epidamna i Apolonije,65 imalo je u tome smi- lishment of Greek colonies on their shores – of Cor-
slu ključnu vrijednost. cyra and Epidamnos as well as Apollonia.65
On the other hand the Athenians had from the 6th and
S druge strane, Atenjani su već od 6. st., a posebno ti- especially during the 5th cent. BC clearly defined trade
jekom 5. st. pr. Kr., imali čvrsto i jasno definirane trgo- relationships with the emporia of Spina and Adria on
vačke odnose s emporijima Spine i Adrie na zapadnoj the western Adriatic coast along the delta of the river
jadranskoj obali, uz deltu rijeke Po.66 Promet Jadra- Po.66 Adriatic traffic undoubtedly increased.67 In such
nom zbog toga nesumnjivo postaje pojačan.67 U ta- circumstances appeared another indisputably import-
kvim se okolnostima pojavio još jedan neosporivo va- ant factor on the other side – it was impersonated by
žan čimbenik s druge strane i to u oličenju Dionizija Dionysius the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse. Featuring the
Starijeg, tiranina iz velikogrčke Sirakuze, imperijalne imperial power of the central Mediterranean he was an
sile srednjeg Sredozemlja, inače saveznice Sparte i Ili- ally of Sparta and the Illyrians. And Syracusans found-
ra. A, Sirakužani podižu Ankonu i Numanu, zatim ed Ancona and Numana, then Issa on Vis and helped

63 Roisman 2010, 156. 63 Roisman 2010, 156.
64 Cabanes 2002, 51, 73. 64 Cabanes 2002, 51, 73.
65 Čače 2002; Kirigin 2004, 55; usp. Cabanes 2002, 28-33; Šašel Kos 2005, 234-235. 65 Čače 2002; Kirigin 2004, 55; cf. Cabanes 2002, 28-33; Šašel Kos 2005, 234-235.
66 Braccesi 2001, 46-57, sa starijom literaturom. 66 Braccesi 2001, 46-57, with earlier literature.
67 Kirigin 2004, 57. 67 Kirigin 2004, 57.
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