Page 99 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 99
38. Karta rasprostranjenosti privjesaka tipa Este povezanost ... ■ a coherence ... 99
(veći simbol za više od 4 primjeraka).

Distribution map of the Este type pendants (larger
symbol stands for more than 4 examples).

primjerci nalaze se pojedinačno u Bosni,176 a većim su From Osor are known 3 examples of such pendants.174
brojem zastupljeni u Vinici177 i u Kompolju (sl. 37-38).178 Two were already determined as the local variations
originated under the influence of Italic types.175 How-
Kod svih je antropo-ornitomorfnih privjesaka likovni ever, although we are speaking about lost finds and us-
koncept zamišljen i ostvaren sinkretizmom trokuta, ing old drawings, they could be according to their basic
kruga i antitetično postavljenih ptičjih protoma. Od characteristics assigned to the Este variant. A fact cer-
tog ikonografskog modela nema odstupanja niti u raz- tainly further strengthened by the discovery of anoth-
er fragment pendant with the same characteristics (Fig.
176 Gerlach 1971, P. 22, 23. Kod objave je vjerojatno zabunom kao mjesto porijekla 35C; 37G). Almost identical items are known as a sin-
naveden Kuban, umjesto Bosna!
174 Marchesetti 1924, 147, Fig. 26-27; Kukoč 2009, sl. 240, 1; Blečić Kavur 2014a, 48.
177 Mahr 1934, T. XVI, 88; Kossack 1954, 111. 175 Kossack 1954, 107, T. 12, 7, 6; De Marinis 2004, Fig. 5.
178 Drechsler-Bižić 1973, 153, sl. 7-8; Hiller 1991, 162-163, Abb. 54F; Raunig 2004, 129,

XXVI, 5; Kukoč 2009, sl. 240, 2-3.
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