Page 105 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 105

The foregoing study sheds the light on facing industry and academia nexus
management in Slovenia. The content is summarize by the gap existing be-
tween the two mentioned sectors in economy and managers. A brief study
for the situation of higher education institutions and related obstacles has
been discussed. The status of industry has also had been discussed showing
some data and the activity that need to be undertaken.

The future perspectives of academia – industry nexus management,
the analysed case study has had introduced. In this co-funded model, the
awareness and market needs feedback is used to create modern techniques
capable of nexuses the two sectors to each other. Three sides has had in-
cluded in the nexus – business executors and academicians. The later con-
sists of students and teachers or researchers.

Finally, this academia – industry nexus management can have the op-
portunity to see the day light if it is applied on two tracks, the first track is
based on syllabus development while the second track is based on making
modern structural economic policy and innovative quality management

With the intention of effective implementation of the research, we
have studied some scientific and craftsmanship literature: Business Idea,
Academia-Industry Nexus Management, and Acting SME, Technolo-
gy of Cooking, Technology of Food and Catering Industry, Mechanical
Tooling Food, Feat Tooling Food, The Safety of Food, Catering Indus-
try and Development of Computer Technology. Our activities after this
were completed in chronological order including a production Swot analy-
sis: business »canvas« model and questionnaire with which we wanted to
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