Page 106 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 106
Sandwich Management
receive feedback from the market. The public’s response towards our pro-
ject was positive. The first activities were formed through brain storming
ideas. This was duing the preliminary stages when we were deciding what
we would like to offer our customers. Following this, we then formed and
programmed our web page, as well as searched for financing options for
our business idea. This was followed by a search for location and prepa-
ration of HACCP standards for technology of food and productions for
making sandwiches.
As part of the project we were researching/ building a sandwich ac-
cording to individual preferences of customers and how this process would
affect the price for delivering the sandwich to the home, work or social
place. We were looking for sandwich ingredients that are healthy and will
follow modern trends in nutrition. This relates to eating five times a day
106 and eating meals composed of locally sourced food. In preparing the rec-
ipes for our sandwiches, we decided to include components with complex
carbohydrates, low-fat ingredients and constituents of the essential ami-
no acids.
Our team must learn how to bake different types of baguettes, pre-
pare the recipes for sandwiches (Tuna sandwich, Vega sandwich, Barbara
sandwich, Classic sandwich, et al). For our sandwiches we prepared calcu-
lations of their energy levels, nutritional values and prices. More specifi-
cally, we were interested in finding our target customers and what ingre-
dients they would prefer when ordering one of our sandwiches. Using a
basis of interactively gained knowledge, members of the project team pre-
pared recipes for sandwiches and a mobile application that allows custom-
ers to order sandwiches online. Presented innovation solution with online
store provides SMEs a competitive services and also faster access to the fi-
nal consumer.
Students, staff and SMEs included in the Sandwich Management re-
search acquired various competencies, knowledge and skills. The research
brings market potential to new services with high added value in relation
to the competition. Consumers who decide to buy or order a sandwich over
the internet will save time that would otherwise be spent on the site pro-
viding services. An advantage of the Sandwich Management research is
how it avoids bottleneck ordering, payment and delivery. The weaknesses
are partially limited by ordering online, paying online and the choice of de-
livery to a desired location chosen by the purchaser.
Additionally the innovation brings new knowledge to all connected to
the present research and project. The gained knowledge is in use for every
day life, teaching and work. With the dissemination and milestones at the
receive feedback from the market. The public’s response towards our pro-
ject was positive. The first activities were formed through brain storming
ideas. This was duing the preliminary stages when we were deciding what
we would like to offer our customers. Following this, we then formed and
programmed our web page, as well as searched for financing options for
our business idea. This was followed by a search for location and prepa-
ration of HACCP standards for technology of food and productions for
making sandwiches.
As part of the project we were researching/ building a sandwich ac-
cording to individual preferences of customers and how this process would
affect the price for delivering the sandwich to the home, work or social
place. We were looking for sandwich ingredients that are healthy and will
follow modern trends in nutrition. This relates to eating five times a day
106 and eating meals composed of locally sourced food. In preparing the rec-
ipes for our sandwiches, we decided to include components with complex
carbohydrates, low-fat ingredients and constituents of the essential ami-
no acids.
Our team must learn how to bake different types of baguettes, pre-
pare the recipes for sandwiches (Tuna sandwich, Vega sandwich, Barbara
sandwich, Classic sandwich, et al). For our sandwiches we prepared calcu-
lations of their energy levels, nutritional values and prices. More specifi-
cally, we were interested in finding our target customers and what ingre-
dients they would prefer when ordering one of our sandwiches. Using a
basis of interactively gained knowledge, members of the project team pre-
pared recipes for sandwiches and a mobile application that allows custom-
ers to order sandwiches online. Presented innovation solution with online
store provides SMEs a competitive services and also faster access to the fi-
nal consumer.
Students, staff and SMEs included in the Sandwich Management re-
search acquired various competencies, knowledge and skills. The research
brings market potential to new services with high added value in relation
to the competition. Consumers who decide to buy or order a sandwich over
the internet will save time that would otherwise be spent on the site pro-
viding services. An advantage of the Sandwich Management research is
how it avoids bottleneck ordering, payment and delivery. The weaknesses
are partially limited by ordering online, paying online and the choice of de-
livery to a desired location chosen by the purchaser.
Additionally the innovation brings new knowledge to all connected to
the present research and project. The gained knowledge is in use for every
day life, teaching and work. With the dissemination and milestones at the