Page 104 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 104
Sandwich Management

most is that we have learned that nothing is as simple as it sounds. Like to
learn how to play the guitar. At first, it sounds like a simple task, but when
we actually started learning to play, step by step, we find that it is not easy.
It was the same in the project. The idea sounded much easier. But when we
started the project, it was not easy. It was so much detail, we did not even
think. And some of the details that make the project even more fun. Since
it was something to explore with new things to learn.«

11/12/2014 19:38:59: »The project was a good chance for all of the
members to gain new knowledge. A disadvantage is very late payment of
money. The project provides an opportunity to give a realistic picture«.

11/13/2014 20:41:00: »I’m not a member of the project team. But I fol-
lowed with interest the development of ideas, team problem solving, initi-
ative, innovation, students, self-sacrifice of both mentors at the faculty and
104 mentor working in the company. In particular, I was interested in what the
students gain. This practical experience, specific competences, knowledge
and skills gained are today much needed for being potentially employable.
Proof of this is that two student members of the team got a job immedi-
ately. Linking education and the economy through such projects is a great
way of supporting and I hope that this kind of linking will happen more
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