Page 41 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 41
Review of Theoretical Starting Points for Project 41

– without brakes and prejudices;
– full of thinking and merging;
– fast;
– ambitious;
– thrilling.

Innovation is inspired by other impulses, such as laziness and propen-
sity towards comfort (Pompe 2011).

Creativity in the business world is an activity of entrepreneurship man-
ifested innovation (Pompe 2011):
– exploring new and different opportunities;
– updating products/services, processes, organization, communica-

– presentation of problems in a different way;
– discovering problems before they occur;
– solving business problems in a different way;
– disposal of ideas about something so far unknown;
– seeing things that no one else can see, even if they are obvious.

Pompe (2011) argues, that creation is everything manifested by a cre-
ative person. Creation is a painting, a song, a book, a composition, a pic-
ture, and a movie. Included as part of this term creations, we also consid-
er aspects, which are not of a commercial nature, such as: industrial design,
graphical design, advertising scripts and slogans, etc.

Invention is the creation of something that so far wasn’t known or
used. Invention is subject, process or technique which represents novelty
and is made by a human. Computers, wireless, the bicycle, telephone, tire,
electricity are such inventions. Under specified circumstances an invention
can be protected by law against fraudulent replication (Pompe 2011).

Invention and possible innovation also reflect the purpose of our proj-
ect task. Invention is a new idea that is prosperous and useful for solving
problems in future. It is the result of research work and may refer to a new
product, service, process or system. Both the protection and marketing of
intellectual property is plausible, but only if it is technically feasible and
functional. Potential innovation is what has not yet given any confirmed
benefits according to the users/market. It is the results of research and de-
velopment that appears in the form of a prototype or successfully imple-
mented trial production. Both before and after starting the commercial-
ization of the product, we have an option to protect intellectual property
with a patent (Pompe 2011).
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