Page 43 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 43
Review of Theoretical Starting Points for Project 43

Mechanical Treatment of Food
Food is everything that can be used for human consumption. Food ingre-
dients can be used through mechanical and thermal processing accord-
ing to the recipe/standards, providing they are in date. Foods that have
reached their expiration date must be removed immediately and placed
into an organic waste unit. Foods prepared with a combination of ingre-
dients are known as dishes. Effective administration is important to re-
main the traceability of food (Stražiščar, Baler, and Gričar 2012). When
we start to prepare meat, vegetables and fruits, we need to consider the fol-
lowing points:
– wash quickly – if possible wash the whole item;
– sliced foods should not be left in water or exposed to oxygen;
– protect foods from direct sunlight;
– do not blanch food unecessarily;
– do not waste the water from soaked legumes or dried vegetables

and fruits, instead cook those foods in their own water;
– be precise when cleaning or peeling; vegetable scraps can be used

for cooking soups, fondues or sauces.
The dry cleaning of food is a process where we remove all the unwant-
ed contaminants, such as sifting the flour. We remove useless parts: trim-
ming wilted and woody leaves or cutting off bent and crumpled parts of
fruits. Using water wash away the dirt, parasites, insects and other harm-
ful micro-organisms. For washing we use only clean tap water. Food should
be put on plates to be decorated or given shape. When peeling we remove
all the hard skin that contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, which is
why we try and peel food as thinly as possible. We remove spots, stalks
and flies with the tip of the knife. For example, due to their shape onions
should be cut into slices. Pickles, hard boiled eggs or peppers should be cut
the same way when needed for decoration. Bread, cheese and meat prod-
ucts are also cut into slices. Specific food types vary in the size of the slic-
es they will be cut in to. Raw, cooked or baked meat should always be cut
against the grain to maintain the shape of the slice. Herbs, onion or garlic
should be chopped finely. Anything that has been finely chopped will oxi-
dize quickly and lose a lot of flavour with the evaporation of fragrant oils.
Leafy vegetables, especially green lettuce, should be cut or torn into piec-
es. We mostly knead dough and sometimes minced meat, we can do this
with our hands or various machines that have a kneading hook. All the in-
gredients connect and stick together with the process of kneading where
the dough gets softer. Gluten in flour distributes evenly into the dough to
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