Page 42 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 42
Sandwich Management

Innovation (Figure 4) is a beneficial novelty that is confirmed by end
customers. It enables new, bigger efficiencies in the form of higher quali-
ties (lower costs, raise of companies’ reputation) and to limit the compe-
tition. It is a result of research and development processes that are needed

to complete a business approach if we want to release it on the mar-
ket. Innovation can be defined as a series of technological, industrial and

commercial advancements. It is also the result of successfully managing
new ideas that transform entrepreneurship into changes which efficient-
ly use resources (Pompe 2011). Innovation is the result of a process begin-
ning with ideas and ending with innovation. This process is called life cycle
of innovation. Entrepreneurship, where individual work groups formulate
new ideas, is a possible solution for controversial bureaucratic structures.
Innovation is intellectual property.

Figure 4: Lifecycle of innovation.
Source: Gričar 2016.

Food Technology, and Cooking Technology
In order to maintain life, grow and regenerate cells and energy (for basic
metabolism), a human body requires certain substances that are found in
food. These substances are available in various quantities depending on the
different types of plant and animal based food. These elements are called
nutrients and are divided into basic and protective forms. Proteins, carbo-
hydrates and fats are considered basic nutrients, vitamins and minerals are
considered protective. In order to remain healthy and function efficiently,
a human body needs to receive a certain quantity and correct ratio of nu-
trients. Food with suitable ingredients that fulfil the requirements needed
for our body are called balanced. Foods can also be processed mechanical-
ly or thermally to make them ready for consumption. Through processing
foods we can get numerous dishes. The following factors are the result of
– water;
– oxygen destroys delicate vitamins (A, D, E, C, B1, and K).

Some foods become edible or easier to digest due to biochemical
changes, resulting from the acidification of: cabbage, beets, milk, mature
or smoked cheese. Science relating to food preparation is called ‘technolo-
gy of processed foods’ (Levstek and Grum 2002).
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