Page 39 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 39
Review of Theoretical Starting Points for Project

Hereinafter, we will use concepts of innovation and creativity which
are increasingly used or replace previous notions of entrepreneurship, such
as: science, research and development. New ideas have been used for the
developmental process of SME. Planning methods such as research and
development are reserved for enterprises. Some of them are more con-
servative, stereotypical, and sluggish; whilst others are more inclined to
something new. The encouragement can come out of a person’s inner body,
partly from the environment where the person lives and works.


Figure 2: Uniqueness and added value.
Source: Gričar 2016.

Pompe (2011) stresses that a creative clime is an atmosphere of positive
relationships towards ideas, new perspectives and solutions by all co-work-
ers in the company where they work. It is also a willingness to listen to oth-
er people’s opinions and allow them to express their ideas and concerns. A
creative clime would allow co-workers to communicate without hesitation,
fear of failure, criticism or mockery. Modern creative climes allow employ-
ees an opportunity to learn from and acknowledge their failures, as well as
form the means to reach their goals. Regarding entrepreneurship, creativi-
ty is key to the development of new products, services and processes which
innovate upgrades in the traditional methods of a company.

Creativity (Figure 3) means novelty and change of what we are cur-
rently doing. But it also enables the modification of what we believe in,
that our set goals can be reached and at some point exceeded. Creativi-
ty in entrepreneurship isn’t individual thinking, but is linked to the cul-
ture of teams and their relationship towards progressive thinking. In these
cases we refer to innovative culture. Creativity is the key for human devel-
opment. Every solution is supposed to bring new quality, whilst the latter
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