Page 66 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 66
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 64 Vabljeno predavanje
Invited lecture
Reproduktivne pravice žensk v hrvaškem javnem prostoru:
študija primera treh najbolj branih internetnih portalov
Reproductive rights of women in the public space in Croatia:
the case study of three most widely read internet portals
Nada Gosić
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Studies, University of Rijeka,
Department of Social Sciences and Medical Humanities, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Rijeka, Viktora cara Emina 5, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Izhodišča: Namen raziskave je bil predstaviti in analizirati medijsko pokritost re-
produktivnih pravic žensk in proučiti ali deležniki iz znanstvene in profesionalne
ter neznanstvene sfere, s svojimi sporočili, prispevajo k razumevanju repro-
duktivnih pravic žensk ter oblikovanju vrednostne naravnanosti tega aktualnega
družbenega vprašanja na Hrvaškem. Metode: Vzorčenje je vključevalo medn-
arodna besedila, ki vsebujejo opredelitev reproduktivnih pravic in ključne re-
gionalne akte o človekovih pravicah, ki so bili objavljeni med 1. 1. 2016 in 31. 12.
2016 na treh najbolj branih internetnih portalih v Republiki Hrvaški. Razprava
in zaključki: Objavljena besedila in sporočila kažejo na stopnjo kulture dialo-
ga o reproduktivnih pravicah žensk, ki se odvija v hrvaškem javnem prostoru,
in priložnost za ženske, da se izražajo, individualno in neodvisno do tistih de-
javnikov, ki se jim zdijo pomembni pri iskanju odgovorov in odločanju o moral-
nih dilemah in izzivih, ki jih pred njih postavlja uveljavljanje reproduktivnih prav-
Ključne besede: reproduktivne pravice žensk, znanstvene perspektive,
mednarodni dokumenti, moralne dileme, kultura dialoga
Introduction: The purpose of research was to display and analyse media cover-
age of women’s reproductive rights and to investigate whether holders of sci-
entific and expert perspectives and unscientific approaches contribute, through
their messages, to the understanding of women’s reproductive rights and shap-
ing the value orientation on this current issue in Croatia. Methods: Sampling
methods have included texts that contain reproductive rights defined in inter-
national documents and key regional human rights treaties published on three
of the most widely read Internet portals in the Republic of Croatia in the peri-
od from 1.1.2016 to 31.12. 2016. Discussion and Conclusions: The published texts
and the messages contained therein point to the level of the culture of dialogue
on women’s reproductive rights, which is being led in the public space of the
Republic of Croatia, and the permission for women to reflect themselves, in-
dividually and independently on those factors that they deem important in the
search for answers and making decisions in the moral dilemmas and challenges
placed before them by the exercise of reproductive rights.
Key words: women’s reproductive rights, scientific perspectives, international
documents, moral dilemmas, culture of dialogue
Invited lecture
Reproduktivne pravice žensk v hrvaškem javnem prostoru:
študija primera treh najbolj branih internetnih portalov
Reproductive rights of women in the public space in Croatia:
the case study of three most widely read internet portals
Nada Gosić
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Studies, University of Rijeka,
Department of Social Sciences and Medical Humanities, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Rijeka, Viktora cara Emina 5, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Izhodišča: Namen raziskave je bil predstaviti in analizirati medijsko pokritost re-
produktivnih pravic žensk in proučiti ali deležniki iz znanstvene in profesionalne
ter neznanstvene sfere, s svojimi sporočili, prispevajo k razumevanju repro-
duktivnih pravic žensk ter oblikovanju vrednostne naravnanosti tega aktualnega
družbenega vprašanja na Hrvaškem. Metode: Vzorčenje je vključevalo medn-
arodna besedila, ki vsebujejo opredelitev reproduktivnih pravic in ključne re-
gionalne akte o človekovih pravicah, ki so bili objavljeni med 1. 1. 2016 in 31. 12.
2016 na treh najbolj branih internetnih portalih v Republiki Hrvaški. Razprava
in zaključki: Objavljena besedila in sporočila kažejo na stopnjo kulture dialo-
ga o reproduktivnih pravicah žensk, ki se odvija v hrvaškem javnem prostoru,
in priložnost za ženske, da se izražajo, individualno in neodvisno do tistih de-
javnikov, ki se jim zdijo pomembni pri iskanju odgovorov in odločanju o moral-
nih dilemah in izzivih, ki jih pred njih postavlja uveljavljanje reproduktivnih prav-
Ključne besede: reproduktivne pravice žensk, znanstvene perspektive,
mednarodni dokumenti, moralne dileme, kultura dialoga
Introduction: The purpose of research was to display and analyse media cover-
age of women’s reproductive rights and to investigate whether holders of sci-
entific and expert perspectives and unscientific approaches contribute, through
their messages, to the understanding of women’s reproductive rights and shap-
ing the value orientation on this current issue in Croatia. Methods: Sampling
methods have included texts that contain reproductive rights defined in inter-
national documents and key regional human rights treaties published on three
of the most widely read Internet portals in the Republic of Croatia in the peri-
od from 1.1.2016 to 31.12. 2016. Discussion and Conclusions: The published texts
and the messages contained therein point to the level of the culture of dialogue
on women’s reproductive rights, which is being led in the public space of the
Republic of Croatia, and the permission for women to reflect themselves, in-
dividually and independently on those factors that they deem important in the
search for answers and making decisions in the moral dilemmas and challenges
placed before them by the exercise of reproductive rights.
Key words: women’s reproductive rights, scientific perspectives, international
documents, moral dilemmas, culture of dialogue